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B o d i e s of W a t e r Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean North Sea

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2 B o d i e s of W a t e r Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean North Sea
Baltic Sea English Channel Caspian Sea Bay of Biscay Black Sea Dardanelles Strait Adriatic Sea Tyrrhenian Sea AegeanSea Strait of Gibraltar Mediterranean Sea

3 Strait of Gibraltar & the “Pillars of Hercules”
The Mediterranean Sea: Mare Nostrum Strait of Gibraltar & the “Pillars of Hercules” 2,400 miles long & 1,000 miles wide “Crossroads of 3 Continents”

4 Thames River

5 The Danube River 1770 miles

6 The Danube River Flows through the 12 countries of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, and the Ukraine.

7 The longest river in Europe --> 2,300 miles.
The Volga River The longest river in Europe --> 2,300 miles.

8 The Volga River The river is so polluted that the sturgeon (caviar fish) catch has been decreased by 60%.

9 Capitals on the Rivers (1)
London on the Thames Paris, right bank of the Seine Prague on the Vltava Budapest on the Danube

10 Capitals on the Rivers (2)
Moscow on the Moscow River Berlin on the Spree Rome on the Tiber Vienna on the Danube

11 M o u t a i n s & P e a k s Ural Mts. Carpathian Mts. Caucasus Mts.
Alps Mts. Pyrennes Mts. Dinaric Alps Apennines Mts. Mt. Vesuvius ^ Mt. Olympus ^ Mt. Etna ^

12 Ural Mountains: “The Great Divide”
1500 miles Divides the European and Asian sections of Russia.

13 Amsterdam’s Canals

14 The Netherlands: The “Dagger” Pointing at the Heart of Britain!

15 Railroads

16 Trans-Siberian Railroad
Completed in 1905.

17 Trans-Siberian Railroad
The main line runs 5,785 miles.

18 L a n d U s e

19 Agricultural Activity

20 Population Distribution

21 Northern European Plain
Arctic Ocean C o m p l e t e d M a p Siberian Lowlands Ural Mts. Scandinavian Pen. Atlantic Ocean Jutland Pen. Volga R. North Sea Baltic Sea Don R. Northern European Plain Thames R. Elbe R. Vistula R. English Channel Rhine R. Oder R. Steppes Dnieper R. Seine R. Carpathian Mts. Caspian Sea Loire R. Caucasus Mts. Bay of Biscay Alps Mts. Crimean Pen. Danube R. Po R. Pyrennes Mts. Italian Pen. Dinaric Alps Balkan Pen. Black Sea Tagus R. Dardanelles Strait Tiber R. Apennines Mts. Iberian Pen. Adriatic Sea Mt. Vesuvius ^ Ebro R. Anatolean Pen. Tyrrhenian Sea Mt. Olympus ^ AegeanSea Strait of Gibraltar Mt. Etna ^ Peloponnesian Pen.

22 Business Logistics The students will create a business. They will choose a city to locate their business and explain the transportation routes their product will take to get to other cities. Tell me what your business is. Name it and explain what your products is/does. Explain where in Europe you would want to be located and why. Then explain how you would use the transportation routes to get your product to other cities. In total this should be about a page.

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