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Erik (Happi) Johansson Room:

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1 Erik (Happi) Johansson Room: 1338 4711033
ML-Modules & ML-Lex Erik (Happi) Johansson Room: Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

2 Introduction The lessons will be concerned with the assignment.
Today we will talk about some ML concepts you will need, and the first part of the assignment. Find out any relevant background and interest of the audience Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

3 Agenda The Assignment Advanced ML (SML-NJ) ML-Lex Records
Exception handling Module system Standalone execution Makefiles ML-Lex Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

4 Overview The assignment has four parts
Lexical analysis Syntactic analysis Semantic analysis Native code generation The final compiler should be written in ML Bar Syntactic analysis Lexical analysis ML Compiler (In ML) Semantic analysis Unix Native Code SPIM MIPS Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

5 The Assignment Goal Motivation Rules
A complete compiler from source code to native machine code. Motivation Give understanding of all parts of a compiler. Give understanding of program execution. Give experience in programming. Rules Groups of 2 persons. Absolute deadlines. Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

6 The Assignment Compile the language Bar Compile to MIPS
Bar is a call by value, imperative language with static lexical scoping. Bar is strongly statically typed with explicit typing of declarations. Bar has integers, floats, truthvalues (booleans), and arrays of these types. Bar has basic control structures, functions and procedures. Bar has destructiv updates of variabels. Compile to MIPS Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

7 The language Bar (example)
[int:1] a; || Declare a global array (a) of one integer |+ The function foo(b) takes an array of integer and returns a boolean. +| function foo([int] b):bool begin b[0] = 1; || Assign the value 1 to the first element in b. || Note that arrays are passed by reference, || so the array used in the call to foo will be updated. return true; || Return the boolean true. end The main body of the program. Calls the function foo and depending on the return value either prints the first element in the global array a, or the boolean false. if foo(a) then print a[0]; else print false; Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

8 Bar Grammar 1 (of 4) Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

9 Bar Grammar 2 (of 4) Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

10 Bar Grammar 3 (of 4) Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

11 Bar Grammar 4 (of 4) Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

12 Advanced ML Records Exception handling Module system
Standalone execution Makefiles Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

13 Records Just like tuples with named elements.
- val car = {make = "SAAB", built = 2000}; val car = {built=2000,make="SAAB"} : {built:int, make:string} - #built car; val it = 2000 : int - fun uppgrade{make,built = year} = {make=make, built=year+1}; val uppgrade = fn : {built:int, make:'a} -> {built:int, make:'a} - uppgrade car; val it = {built=2001,make="SAAB"} : Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

14 Exception handling exception Error of int * string; fun f v =
(case v of 1 => 42 | _ => raise Error (1,"not 1") ) handle Error (no, s) => (print s; print “\n”; no); - f 2; not 1 val it = 1 : int Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

15 Module system The basis for the ML module system is the structure.
You have probably seen and used structures several times. Ex. TextIO.print TextIO is a structure that defines the function print. Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

16 Structures A structure is defined as Ex structure foo = struct
structure NAME = struct DEFINITIONS end Ex structure foo = struct type t = string say = fn x => TextIO.print x Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

17 Signatures Signatures gives the type of a structure.
They are declared as: signature NAME = sig DECLARATIONS end Ex signature bar = sig type t val say : t -> unit Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

18 Ascription To say that a structure implements a signature.
Can be transparent ( “:” ) or opaque ( “:>”). structure foo:bar = struct type t = string say = fn x => TextIO.print x end Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

19 Standalone Execution Created by saving the state of the run-time system to a file. A start function of type string * string list -> OS.Process.status is needed. The state is saved by calling SMLofNJ.exportFn with a tuple (FileName, StartFunction) The program is then executed by: Args Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

20 Example of standalone execution
- fun start (path, args) = (print (path ^ "\n"); map (fn x => print x) args; OS.Process.success); - SMLofNJ.exportFn ("testit", start); > 42 /it/sw/ml/bin/sml 42 Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

21 Makefiles Use the ML - Compilation Manager
Create a file called List the source files of your project in this file preceded by the keywords Group is When you have a file you can just type: CM.make(); in the ML-shell to compile all files as necessary. Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

22 Example of Group is testlexer.sml errormsg.sml tokens.sig tokens.sml lexer.lex The last file is needed to get the SML standard libraries. The compilation manager should find this file by it self. The compilation manager recognizes .lex files and executes ml-lex. Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

23 ML – Lex ML lex takes a file with rules describing tokens of a language and “compiles” them into a program that can turn a string in the language to the tokens of the string. We will look at The lexer file .lex How to run ML-Lex How to call the lexer Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

24 The lexer file (.lex) User declarations (ML-code) %%
ML-LEX definitions (abreviations) Rules Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

25 Declarations (.lex) Two required Any other help function you need.
The function ”eof” fun eof() = Tokens.EOF The type of lexresult type lexresult = Tokens.tokens Any other help function you need. Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

26 ML-Lex definitions (.lex)
Give start states %s SkipComment; Give names to regular expressions digit=[0-9]; int={digit}+; exp=((e|E)"-"?{int}); floats={int}"."{int}{exp}?; Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

27 ML-Lex Rules (.lex) Regexp ) action <STATE>Regexp ) action
(action should be of type lexresult.) {floats} => (case Real.fromString yytext of NONE => ErrorMsg.impossible ("Cannot convert" ^ yytext) | SOME f => Tokens.FLOAT(f, yypos, yypos+ String.size yytext)); Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

28 To run ML-Lex Typing ml-lex lexer.lex
at the unix prompt, should give a file lexer.lex.sml (If your path contains /it/sw/ml/bin/ml-lex) Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

29 To use the lexer in a program
The file *.lex.sml defines a ML structure Mlex, which contains the function makeLexer. This function should be called with a function of the type int -> string This second function should read up to N characters from the in-stream. The function makeLexer returns a function that returns the next token each time it is called. Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

30 Example of how to use the lexer in a program
fun makeget stream = let fun get (_:int) = TextIO.input stream in get end fun tokenize (lexer) = let val token = lexer() in (case token of Tokens.EOF(_) => () | => (print (Tokens.toString token); tokenize(lexer))) end fun do_it (s:string, slist:string list) = let val lexer = Mlex.makeLexer (make_get TextIO.stdIn) in (tokenize(lexer); OS.Process.success) Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

31 Where to Get More Information
The assignment page: A lexical analyzer generator for Standard ML: Standard ML of New Jersey User's Guide: CM -- A Compilation Manager for SML/NJ -- User Manual: Lesson1 KT1-VT01 02/01/2019

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