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By the end of today, IWBAT…

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1 By the end of today, IWBAT…
Put this into your C-Notes! Tuesday, 11/18/14 TEKS: P 6.B - Investigate examples of kinetic and potential energy and their transformations By the end of today, IWBAT… Compare and contrast kinetic and potential energy Calculate kinetic and potential energy Essential Question: What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy? Topic: Energy

2 By the end of the day today, IWBAT…
Compare and contrast kinetic and potential energy Calculate kinetic and potential energy Why it matters in LIFE: Energy is what allows us to move! Why it matters in THIS CLASS: This is a HUGE topic that is central to your understanding of everything we will be doing this semester.

3 What it might look like on a test…

4 Agenda Do Now 7 min Energy C-Notes 15 min Kinetic or Potential? 8 min
Graphic Organizer Summary 5 min Practice Questions 10 min Exit Ticket

5 Unit 6: Work, Power, and Energy
Unit Cover Sheets Trackers

6 What is energy? ENERGY is the ability to make things move or change
Measured in Joules (J)

7 Forms of energy Energy can exist in many different forms and changes from one form to another

8 Kinetic and Potential Energy
For this unit, we are going to be focusing on the energy of movement Two main types: Kinetic and Potential

9 Kinetic Energy KINETIC ENERGY is the energy of motion
Depends on mass and velocity

10 Kinetic Energy Which has a higher maximum kinetic energy, my first car or the camaro? Why? The camaro has more KE because it has a higher velocity.

11 Kinetic Energy Which would hurt more, getting hit by a 15 foot wave or a 2 foot wave? Why? The bigger wave would hurt more because even though they travel at the same speed, the bigger wave has more mass.

12 Kinetic Energy Formula: KE = ½mv2 mass (in kg) velocity (in m/s)

13 Kinetic Energy The bird has a mass of 2 kg. It is flying at a speed of 5 m/s. Find its kinetic energy. KE = ? m = 2 kg v = 5 m/s KE = ½mv2 KE = ½(2 kg)(5 m/s)2 = 25 J

14 Potential Energy An object with POTENTIAL ENERGY has the ability (or potential) to move or change Sometimes called “energy of position” or “stored energy” There are 3 types of potential energy: Gravitational Potential Energy Elastic Potential Energy Chemical Potential Energy

15 Gravitational Potential Energy
Potential Energy due to an object’s position Formula: PE = mgh height (in meters) mass (in kg) acceleration of gravity (9.8 m/s2)

16 Gravitational Potential Energy
The person has more potential energy at the top of the stairs than at the bottom.

17 Gravitational Potential Energy
Where does the egg have more potential energy? Why?

18 Gravitational Potential Energy
If your egg drop device has a mass of 2 kg, how much potential energy does it hold at a height of 10 meters? PE = ? m = 2 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 h = 10 m PE = mgh PE = (2 kg)(9.8 m/s2)(10 m) = 196 J

19 Elastic Potential Energy
Potential energy due compression or expansion of an elastic object

20 Chemical Potential Energy
Potential energy stored within the chemical bonds of an object

21 Kinetic or Potential? Every pair will receive a whiteboard and a marker. I will put a picture up on the board. You will have 30 sec to decide whether the picture represents kinetic or potential energy. Do not put your board up until I say. Be prepared to defend your answer!

22 Kinetic or Potential?

23 Kinetic or Potential?

24 Kinetic or Potential?

25 Kinetic or Potential?

26 Kinetic or Potential?

27 Kinetic or Potential?

28 Kinetic or Potential?

29 Graphic Organizer Summary
Joules (J) PE= mgh Potential Kinetic Chemical Gravitational KE = ½ mv2 Elastic mass velocity mass position

30 Practice Problems 10 min to complete the practice problems
Work together Show all of your work!! Raise your hand if you have a question

31 Exit Ticket Complete the questions silently and independently
Hand it to me on your way out when the bell rings Remember – I want to see your BEST work!

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