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Warm-Up: Feb. 27, 2013 Pick up a half sheet of paper from the front table. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAPER!!!! Copy the question & the answer in your notebook.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Feb. 27, 2013 Pick up a half sheet of paper from the front table. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAPER!!!! Copy the question & the answer in your notebook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Feb. 27, 2013 Pick up a half sheet of paper from the front table. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAPER!!!! Copy the question & the answer in your notebook. Sit quietly once you have completed this.

2 Warm-Up: March 2, 2015 Take out your Notebooks & be ready to take notes on the Nervous System. Take out any make up work that you have completed. I will collect this once class begins.

3 Nervous System

4 Main Functions Receive stimuli from inside & outside the body
Interpret the stimuli Initiate responses for survival

5 3 Parts of the Nervous System



8 BRAIN Organ of the central nervous system with 3 parts that all serve to control and coordinate the activities of the body. 3 Parts of the Brain Cerebrum Cerrebellum Brain Stem


10 Cerebrum Controls…. Thoughts Voluntary actions 5 senses

11 Cerebellum Controls….. Balance coordination

12 Brain Stem Controls….. Involuntary processes
Examples: breathing, heartbeat, digestion

13 Spinal Cord- “Nerve Highway”
Bundle of Nerves Starts at Brain Stem & continues down through the vertebrate

14 Peripheral Nerves Nerves that branch out from the spinal cord & connect the rest of the body Transmits signals to & from the brain through the spinal cord

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