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Item 8.2 Review of core social variables

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1 Item 8.2 Review of core social variables
Sabine Gagel Eurostat F5 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

2 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 16-17 June 2015
Outline Standardisation of variables Process Link to IESS P1 variables in the ET domain Changes after consultation Further explanations Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

3 Standardisation of variables – process (1)
Variables used in more than one EU social survey Concepts and data transmission categories to be standardised Aim: detailed methodological manual ('standard sheets') 28 variables concerned P1: 17 variables Process started in 2014 3 ET domain  ETS WG has the lead P2: 11 variables None in ET domain Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

4 Standardisation of variables – process (2)
Eurostat proposal Internally agreed Consultation lead working group Written consultation February 2015 Today: final discussion Consultation of other working groups P1 variables in September 2015 Agreed draft P1 and P2 to DSS Beginning 2016 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

5 Standardisation of variables and IESS
IESS = framework regulation on integrated European social statistics Some variables to be in the legislation 'Core variables' IESS, article 4: 'elements common to several data collections' Subordinate legislation label and corresponding codes of the variable short description of the variable Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

6 P1 variables in the ET domain
Educational attainment level This is a core variable Participation in formal education and training (student or apprentice) in <reference period> Level of the current/most recent formal education or training activity ETS WG consulted in February 2015 12 replies + CEDEFOP Revised version for final discussion and approval Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

7 Changes after ETS WG consultation
Educational attainment level Name – 'level' added Variable concept – definition further aligned with EA guidelines Standard concept system aligned to ISCED 2011 wording ISCED-A codes added breakdown by orientation added for ISCED 5 Implementation guidelines – clarifications Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

8 Changes after ETS WG consultation
Participation in FED Implementation guidelines redundant information removed apprentices – criterion of pay softened Level of FED Standard concept system aligned to ISCED 2011 wording ISCED-P codes added breakdown by orientation added for ISCED 5 Implementation guidelines – clarifications Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

9 Standard sheets – some explanations (1)
Variable concept and category concept Definitions and how to allocate observations to categories One common definition for variables used in more than one survey Standard concept system Not all surveys have to collect data at the same level of detail 'Level of detail' to be decided for each implementation Categories for data transmission, not for data collection Standard categories 'not stated' = 'no answer' 'not applicable' = filters (implementation or variable specific) Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

10 Standard sheets – some explanations (2)
Implementation guidelines, reference question General guidance and good practice Deviations in national implementations might impact comparability  to be reported in metadata Comments made during consultation Proxy interviews: recommendation is not to use proxies even if in practice they will be used in some surveys EA = most recent qualification: ISCED §87 – systematic differences to be reported in metadata Students on holidays: no standard category for data transmission but could be useful as auxiliary category in data collection Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

11 Education and Training Statistics Working Group – 16-17 June 2015
The ETS WG is invited to: Take note of the process of standardisation of 28 variables used in more than one EU social survey. Discuss and approve the revised descriptions of the three P1 variables in the education and training domain. Education and Training Statistics Working Group – June 2015

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