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City of Pilot Point 2018 bond election

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Presentation on theme: "City of Pilot Point 2018 bond election"— Presentation transcript:

1 City of Pilot Point 2018 bond election

2 The CPAC Charge To hear about the various capital projects for the City To hear about the various financing options. To consider and discuss alternatives from nothing to everything and everything in between To discuss the projects with other people in the community Prepare a recommendation for city council for a potential bond election

3 The CPAC Charge Began meeting in October
One or two meetings each month Discussed each issue separately Road trip Evaluation process with criteria Score and rank projects Recommendation to council January 2018

4 Potential Projects Public Safety Facility
Retrofit Fire station for Public works Retrofit police station for development services Consider alternatives for a recreation center Street rehabilitation - $8.0M without utilities Sidewalks - $500,000 Drainage master plan $500,000 Downtown redevelopment - $2.8M Parks – Park Land acquisition - $1.0M

5 Council action Received the report from Cpac January 2018
Discussed holding may election Decided not to, wait for November More community involvement and education April 30 town hall meeting Education and multi-voting

6 Council omitted Recreation center Park and recreation projects
Downtown rehabilitation Only $4.0m for streets vs $8.0m

7 Bond package include (each voted on separately)
Public Buildings - $4.5m Streets - $4.0M Drainage - $500,000 Sidewalks - $500,000

8 Public Safety Facility Cost Estimate (Plan b)
First estimated cost - $14 million Decreased from 37,000 sq ft to 26,000 sq ft – 30% reduction 26,000 sq ft x $300/ft = $7.8M 9% for design/Engineering = $700K Furniture/Fixtures/equipment = $300K Total $8.8m Still too costly. This alone is an average 15 cent tax rate increase.

9 Plan C New Fire station – Stand alone - $3.0 million
Build at the Washington St and us 377 location Design/build process Smaller footprint New police station - $1.0 million Nice two-story design Architectural design to fit the historic district Future city hall expansion

10 Retrofit costs Retrofit fire department for Public works = $350K
Retrofit police station for development = $150K Total public buildings = $4.0m + $500K= $4.5m

11 So, for $4.5 Million for a new Fire Station, Police Station and upgrades for Public Works and Development Services: For $100,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $74.52 per year of new taxes, or $6.21 per month. For $150,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $ per year of new taxes, or $9.32 per month. For a $200,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $ per year of new taxes, or $12.42 per month.

12 Street/sidewalks rehabilitation
34 streets identified Can be rehabilitated from minor repair to full concrete Engineer’s recommendation - $8.0M Council has included $4.0m of funding Street projects to be determined before the election Sidewalk plan from the parks master plan - $500K

13 So, for $4.0 Million for Street Improvements:
For $100,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $66.24 per year of new taxes, or $5.52 per month. For $150,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $99.36 per year of new taxes, or $8.28 per month. For a $200,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $ per year of new taxes, or $11.04 per month.

14 So, for $500,000 for Sidewalks: For $100,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $8.28 per year of new taxes, or 69 cents per month. For $150,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $12.42 per year of new taxes, or $1.04 per month. For a $200,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $16.56 per year of new taxes, or $1.38 per month.

15 Drainage master plan City does not have a drainage master plan
To prepare the plan including the ETJ is estimated at $500,000 Includes city and etj so developers will know what they will have to put in at their cost

16 So, for $500,000 for a Drainage Master Plan:
For $100,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $8.28 per year of new taxes, or 69 cents per month. For $150,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $12.42 per year of new taxes, or $1.04 per month. For a $200,000 house with the 10% exemption that equals $16.56 per year of new taxes, or $1.38 per month.

17 Town Hall Meeting April 30, 2018 held at PP intermediate school
About attendees Multi-voting Top 4 included public buildings, drainage master plan, streets, downtown plan

18 Total cost Avg. annual new taxes, assumes no new growth or change in tax rate.

19 However, If New growth is taken into account

20 discussion

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