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PRESENTATION 19/01/2014 Resista Vikaliana.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION 19/01/2014 Resista Vikaliana."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENTATION 19/01/2014 Resista Vikaliana

2 Steps Use in Planning Presentation
19/01/2014 Steps Use in Planning Presentation Set the objective of the presentation Research the topic Analyze the needs of the audience Formulate a clear introduction Select information which the audience needs on the topic and which makes the advantages clear Review the advantages and finish with a clear closing statement Provide time for audience questions Inculude language techniques to help direct the attention of the audience Prepare visual aids Practise the entire presentation Resista Vikaliana

3 Expressions I would like to say first of all thank you for coming
19/01/2014 Expressions I would like to say first of all thank you for coming And the idea is to.... One of the areas which... Good morning. I’m... Perhaps we could begin by outlining.... I attach a proposed agenda for this year’s conference Resista Vikaliana

4 Expressions I agree with..... I can stand with.... In my opinion.....
19/01/2014 Expressions I agree with..... I can stand with.... In my opinion..... Actually, but According to my opinion, Based on the data/ the fact, the......, but I think...... Resista Vikaliana

5 Attention 19/01/2014 A good speaker uses language to help direct the attention of the listeners. Look at the some of the techniques: Enumerate: The first point is... Emphasize: A principal advantage is... Repeat: ... A 15 percent rise in costs. 15 percent! Restate: Let’s look at that another way.... Focus: Look at these figures Link: We’ve seen the advantages; let’s now examine the costs Explain: Finally, profit lock, by which I mean.... Sum up: So here are a number of situations described so far where... Resista Vikaliana

6 19/01/2014 Exercise Prepare a short presentation about your group task about market research (max 5 persons each group) Resista Vikaliana

7 Here the tips from Prof. Milind Malshe .......
19/01/2014 Here the tips from Prof. Milind Malshe Resista Vikaliana

MILIND MALSHE Professor Department of Humanities & Social Sciences IIT-BOMBAY

(i) effective use of visual aids (ii) adequate eye contact : size of the audience (iii) clarity in pronunciation and fluency (iv) maintaining a proper speed of presentation (v) posture and body movements suggesting confidence (vi) seeking and making proper use of visual feedback (vii) noting down important points arising out of discussion

1. Speech & Writing/Printing: a comparison Speech : pitch, volume, tone, speed, pauses, body movements, facial expressions Writing/Printing: punctuation, capitalization, spacing, margins, fonts

2. Pronunciation of Words: (a) vowel and consonant sounds (comparison of sounds with letters a-z); The letter “a” in : fat /æ/, father /a:/, fate /eɪ/, about /ə/ Or the letters “th” in “thin” /ɵ/ & “then” /ð/. Also notice (b) word-stress: ‘language, communi’cation

3. Use of the phonetic script and the (Pronouncing) Dictionary: International Phonetic Alphabet: free downloading is possible Dictionaries on CD : listening to the pronunciation and it variety (e.g. British & American) now possible

13 Attributes of good oral communication
1.Sounds and sound combinations 2. Stress 3. Rhythm 4. Intonation 5. Speed: pausing 6. Clarity of articulation 7. Voice modulation: volume & pitch variation (avoiding “monotonous speech)

14 Dr. Tran, Van Hoai The meaning of public speaking 19/01/2014
Resista Vikaliana

15 Public speaking (1) Purposes To entertain To inform To inspire
To convince To persuade

16 Public speaking (2) 3 parts Introduction: to attract the listener
Body: organized logically in order to be rememberd by listener Speeches should not contain more than 4 major points Conclusion: to review main points and challenges

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