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Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)

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Presentation on theme: "Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
1. The King in Thy great strength, O Lord, shall ver-y joy-ful be Words: The Book of Psalms for Singing, 21A Music: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say, Ludwig Spohr Arrangement: Chris Reeves

2 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
And in Thy sav-ing help he shall re - joice most fer-vent - ly

3 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
For Thou up-on him hast be-stowed all that his heart would have;

4 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
And Thou from him didst not with-hold what-e’er his lips did crave.

5 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
2. For Thou wilt meet him with Thy gifts of bless-ings man - i - fold,

6 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
And Thou has set up-on his head a crown of pur - est gold.

7 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
When he re-quest-ed life from Thee, Thou life to him didst give;

8 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
Such length of days Thou gav-est him, he ev - er - more should live.

9 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
3. In Thy sal-va-tion he is great, and glo - ri - fied is he;

10 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
And Thou up-on him hast be-stowed most glo-rious maj-est-ty.

11 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
For Thou wilt ev - er set on him the bless-ings of Thy grace,

12 Psalm 21:1-6 (Tune: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say)
And Thou wilt cause him to be filled with joy be - fore Thy face.

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