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Science Starter: Tuesday, Week9

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1 Science Starter: Tuesday, Week9
Scientists call the conditions necessary to support life on a planet the “Goldilocks Conditions”. Liquid Water, Oxygen Rich Atmosphere, Suitable Temperature Range Earth is one planet with these conditions and another planet could possibly have these conditions. Which planet is this?

2 The Magnetic Earth Objectives Section 2
1. What are the magnetic properties of Earth? 2. What are the effects of Earth’s magnetic field?

3 Earth as a Magnet Which direction does a compass point? North Why?
Earth has a giant magnetic field surrounding it.

4 Earth as a Magnet Scientists believe that Earth’s magnetic field is caused by the materials that make up the core. Iron & Nickel

5 Effect’s of Earth’s Magnetic Field
A compass always points to the magnetic North Pole

6 Effect’s of Earth’s Magnetic Field
Earth leaves a record of magnetism on the sea-floor.

7 Effect’s of Earth’s Magnetic Field
About every 800,000 years, Earth’s magnetic poles reverse. The magnetic north and magnetic south switch positions. This mean a compass would point to the south.

8 Effect’s of Earth’s Magnetic Field
The molten rock that seeps up through mid-ocean ridges contains iron. Just as a compass points towards the magnetic north, the iron in the molten rock also points towards the magnetic north. When the poles reverse the iron in the molten rock reverses its direction as well.

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