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This presentation outlines general information related to the NL911 province-wide emergency 911 telephone service.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation outlines general information related to the NL911 province-wide emergency 911 telephone service."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation outlines general information related to the NL911 province-wide emergency 911 telephone service.

2 NL911 A not-for-profit corporation established through the Emergency 911 Act. NL911 is a not-for-profit corporation established through the Emergency 911 Act. Since March, 2015, NL911 has been responsible for operating an emergency 911 telephone service throughout the province.

3 MANDATE To establish, implement and operate a province wide emergency 911 telephone service. NL911 has a mandate to establish, implement and operate a province wide emergency 911 telephone service. NL911 is also responsible for making sure the service: protects personal information, provides accurate and current information to primary and secondary Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs), integrates civic addressing when available, is efficient, cost-effective, and flexible and responsive to changing technologies.

4 NL911 SERVICE Reliable, easy, recognizable, three-digit emergency response service. Available throughout the province. Provides 911 callers with access to emergency responders at any time. The province-wide 911 service is operated in line with - the Emergency 911 Act and Emergency Fee Regulations. NL911 provides a reliable, easy recognizable three digit emergency response service that is available throughout the province and provides easy access to emergency responders at any time.

5 911 Benefits Universally recognized way to access emergency help.
Assists callers who have trouble communicating. Easy number to remember in panic situations. Provides multi-agency notification. The Benefits of accessing a 911 service include: A universally recognized way to access emergency help. A service that assists callers who have trouble communicating – If the caller is unable to provide their location, 911 call takers will do a call trace to determine the location and assist with getting help. An easy number to remember especially in panic situations. Many do not memorize their local 7 digit numbers for all emergency responders in their area and may have a hard time remembering these numbers in panic situations. This is also very useful for tourists who would not know the local emergency responder numbers. Provides multi agency notification whereby the 911 Call Taker will contact and notify other agencies of reported emergencies that may require more than one emergency responder to assist.

6 911 Call Handling 911 Call Taker requests;
type of emergency (i.e. Police, Fire, Ambulance) phone number location of the emergency (i.e. Town, Highway) Call is transferred to emergency service provider. If required, notifications are made to other agencies. When making a 911 call it is important to understand what to expect. The 911 Call Taker is going to ask you what your emergency is or who you need to determine if police, fire or ambulance need to respond. They will need your phone number as well as you location (town or highway). The 911 Call Takers will then transfer you to the agency needed. You will need to relay the details as requested by these agencies for them to dispatch their emergency resources. If necessary (depending on the emergency being reported), the 911 Call Taker will follow up with other agencies who may be required to respond. An important note is that NL911 is currently operating a Basic 911 service. With Basic 911, the 911 Call Takers do not automatically receive any phone number or location information of the caller. 911 Call Takers completely rely on the caller to advise of their location and if that caller is unable to communicate, the 911 call taker will complete a call trace to determine the location and assist with getting help. NL911 is currently working towards enhancing the system to a service that will automatically provide the callers phone number and location when the call is received.

7 When to Call 911 When there is a threat to someone’s health, life, safety or property and you need immediate assistance from emergency responders. If you're not sure whether there's a real emergency please call and the 911 Call Taker will assist. If you accidentally call 911 DON’T HANG UP. Tell the 911 Call Taker you dialed 911 by mistake. It is important to understand when it is appropriate to call 911. 911 is for emergencies only, so only call when there is a threat to health, life, safety or property. If you are unsure, please call anyway and the 911 Call Taker will assist. If you accidently call 911, please do not hang up! The call takers will need to determine if there is an actual emergency. This takes valuable time and resources away from other emergency calls being received.

8 please visit the NL911 website at:
For more information please visit the NL911 website at:

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