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Managing Your Money.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Your Money."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Your Money

2 Why does your organization need a money management plan?
To fulfill its purpose To control your finances and cash flow To maintain good relationships with your suppliers of goods and services To establish your credibility in the community To save you time and a great deal of worry To devote time to the actual purposes of your organization

3 What does the everyday management of your money include?
Systems: Accounting Banking Money-handling Petty cash Payroll Payables and receivables Grants management Handling cash flow issues 3

4 What does the everyday management of your money include?
Decisions: Computerizing your accounting Types of bank accounts What constitutes full-time employment Which bills and obligations to settle first 4

5 What issues are involved in being tax-exempt?
Apply for state tax-exempt status Make sure that the correct forms are used when purchases are made Remove taxes that you've been paying on your phone, utilities, and any other regular payments Fill out tax forms Arrange and undergo a yearly audit 5

6 How do you handle cash flow?
Try to anticipate when cash flow problems may occur Set your priorities beforehand Develop a cash flow contingency plan based on your priorities and the situation of your organization 6

7 What are some day-to-day money management issues?
Shopping for goods and services Negotiating with funders Maintaining systems 7

8 What are some investment issues?
A Certificate of Deposit A Money Market Account 8

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