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Altruism: noun definition: unselfish concern for others.

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Presentation on theme: "Altruism: noun definition: unselfish concern for others."— Presentation transcript:

1 altruism: noun definition: unselfish concern for others

2 altruism pronunciation: al-troo-iz-uh m m

3 altruism philanthropy benevolence magnanimity generosity kindness
synonyms: philanthropy benevolence magnanimity generosity kindness selflessness

4 altruism altruist altruistic altruistically RELATED FORMS:
noun (person) altruist adjective altruistic adverb altruistically

5 altruism Altruism is characterized by giving selflessly.

6 altruism Known for their altruism, children selflessly support others.

7 altruistic The altruistic tree gives selflessly to the boy and never asks for anything in return.

8 altruistic Mother Teresa lived an altruistic life.

9 altruistically By sacrificing themselves for their country, American
soldiers live altruistically.

10 altruistically Many MHS students altruistically donated food during the “Thanksgiving for All” food drive.

11 altruist The altruist in each of us is sometimes confronted by the egotist.

12 altruist The girl was well known in her community as an altruist, for
she volunteered most of her free time to help the needy.

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