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Nutrition awareness By Deyarn D

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1 Nutrition awareness By Deyarn D
Nutrition awareness By Deyarn D. Gasery CUR/516 6/27/2016 Shirley Burnet Speaker Notes: “During the past two decades, the prevalence of obesity in children has risen greatly worldwide. Obesity in childhood causes a wide range of serious complications, and increases the risk of premature illness and death later in life, raising public-health concerns” (Ebbeling, Pawlak, & Ludwig, p.473, 2002).

2 Implementation Schedule (Phase III)
Start Date February 6, 2016 Start Time ( Sign sheet for prior that morning) 1:00 p.m. PowerPoint Introduction to coarse/material minutes Introduction to Material Kit, handout, puppet minutes Closing Comments, questions, discussion minutes Ending Time :30 -1:45 p.m. Teachers are ed this information a month in advanced. This is part of Phase III. The implementation schedule (timelines). Figure 1. achesongroup,com (2016).

3 Phase I /introduction Lafourche Parish Head Start plans to promote its Wellness Plan in the month of March through the first or second week in April. This month was chosen in accordance with Nutrition Awareness. The plan is a six (6) weeks course that encourages health, exercise, and nutrition. The lesson plans are created with some activities taken from the Food, Fitness, and Fun Health, Nutrition Curriculum ,and “I Am Learning I Am Moving” program. Figure 2. (2013).

4 Phase I/continued Weekly, one food component from the food guide pyramid and MyPlate is incorporated into a teacher’s lesson plan. Children are also educated on choosing healthy foods and snacks, and where food grows. The I am Moving I am Learning ( IMIL) program incorporates vigorous to moderate exercise while also promoting choosing healthy foods. A copy of several lessons is sent home with each child. This promotes family education of healthy living at home, while encouraging family time. Figure. 3 (2016).

Phase I/continued COUSE NAME TRAINING SESSION LENGTH GOALS NUTRTION AWARNESS The presentation takes approximately minutes, including the question, answers, and comment period. To promote health exercise and nutrition. To promote family education of healthy living at home.

Phase I/continued COUSE NAME TRAINING SESSION LENGTH GOALS NUTRTION AWARNESS The presentation takes approximately minutes, including the question, answers, and comment period. To promote health exercise and nutrition. To promote family education of healthy living at home.

Phase I/continued COUSE NAME TRAINING SESSION LENGTH GOALS NUTRTION AWARNESS The presentation takes approximately minutes, including the question, answers, and comment period. To promote health exercise and nutrition. To promote family education of healthy living at home. This is where the training title and goals are explained to the group.

Lafourche Parish Head Start Teacher 1 Four year degree in Early childhood education or minimum of two years. Knowledge of appropriate early childhood practices. Skills in operation of computer machine and other classroom equipment. Ability to offer leadership and guidance. The presentation takes place at the Lafourche Parish Head Start faculty and staff meeting. The delivery methods: discussion, job aids, and critical thinking. The staff information includes a kit with books, learning activities, a letter to the parent, a puppet, posters, and handouts. The information also includes a curriculum book with non-cooking ideas and experiments. At this point of delivery modality examples of how the materials in kit, the puppet and other materials are implemented into the lesson plans.

Lafourche Parish Head Start Teacher 1 Four year degree in Early childhood education or minimum of two years. Knowledge of appropriate early childhood practices. Skills in operation of computer machine and other classroom equipment. Ability to offer leadership and guidance. The presentation takes place at the Lafourche Parish Head Start faculty and staff meeting. The delivery methods: discussion, job aids, and critical thinking. The staff information includes a kit with books, learning activities, a letter to the parent, a puppet, posters, and handouts. The information also includes a curriculum book with non-cooking ideas and experiments. At this point of delivery modality examples of how the materials in kit, the puppet and other materials are implemented into the lesson plans. The Teacher 1 are also able to include input from past experiences.

TECHNOLOGIES Figure 4. (2011).Figure 5. 5http:// (2016). (2016).

Lafourche Parish Head Start Teacher 1 Four year degree in Early childhood education or minimum of two years. Knowledge of appropriate early childhood practices. Skills in operation of computer machine and other classroom equipment. Ability to offer leadership and guidance. The expected outcome after the course is completed, the Head Start teacher 1 will be able to educate 3-5 year-old on demonstrating the ability to share information about nutrition and physical activities. The Standard of acceptance performance is in a group setting of members that participate in a minute training. The handout, training kit and other materials for educating the children are distributed to only the lead teacher. After participating The Head Start teacher I will be able to educate children ages 3-5 year-old demonstrating the ability to share information about nutrition and physical activities with others. This is where the objectives for each goals are explained .

12 Phase II/Strategies/activities
PROCEDURAL CONCEPTUAL DECLARATIVE Procedural strategies are used to instruct the teacher on step-by-step instructions for carrying out a particular lesson or activity on healthy choices and exercise. This process in utilizes to accomplish a particular result Kapp, (2011). Conceptual strategies are incorporated as backup information to explain the reasoning for the procedural strategies with examples Kapp, (2011). Declarative strategies, ties the plan together with props, stories, or feedback for other coworkers that have ideas from past experiences Kapp, (2011). This is where the teachers are allowed input for discussions, comments, and past experiences.

Phase II/continued LEARNING STLYE OR SKILL TECNOLOGIES The learning styles used are project-based learning and critical thinking skills to motivate the teacher in a classroom setting to demonstrate and incorporate real world thinking and activates. A PowerPoint presentation introducing the material, talk about MyPLate and sample lessons. A CD player to play the song for the exercise and movement activities. At this point where the songs for exercise are introduce a few songs are played as examples of the movement for vigorous to moderate exercise.

Nutrition Manager Education Manager All Head Start Teacher 1 Head Start Director “Food, Fun, Fitness” book “Introduction to MyPlate” book Mickey MyPlate – puppet The MyPlate Nutrition Education Kit Training Evaluation Forms- this is completed at the end of the training course. The Nutrition Awareness Evaluation Form- this is done at the end of each lesson that the teacher conducts with the students This is where the Formative Assessment form( Nutrition Awareness Evaluation Form) is given and explained for the purpose of the training. The Training Evaluation Forms are presented at the end of the presentation.

15 Phase III/CONTINUED Implementation Details
The plan is communicate with a PowerPoint introducing the information and “Mickey”. Building interest comes with the mandatory commitment as per the Head Start Standards and the Child and Adult Care Food Program under the guidance of the Department of Education to implement a preschool health and safety program to promote nutrition and exercise. The participants are selected as per our Head Start requirements, the Teacher 1’s are the lead educators for our pre-K program. The implementation schedule ( timelines) is explained on the second slide, of this presentation.

Figure .7 (2015).Figure 8. (2011)Figure 9. (2016)..

17 Phase Iv-Identify Criteria
The criteria for determining whether the goals, objectives and overall outcome of the courses or training session will be met are based on the Nutrition guidelines established by Head Start Standards and the Louisiana Department of Education policies and procedures. Figure (2015).

18 Phase Iv/Description of Evaluation
Speaker Notes: The evaluation forms method used in phase IV of the Instructional Design Plan is the formative evaluation. Since, the formative evaluation is an assessment used during the course of the instructional design to collect data for feedback and for best practices during the implementation process. The evaluation forms are distributed to the lead teachers at the end of each lesson utilizing the usability testing formative evaluation approach.  This allows the teacher to evaluate the material by observing the activities in action with the "potential end users" (Brown & Green, p.8., 2011). This is one way to determine if the goals and objectives are met. Figure (2011).

19 Phase Iv/continued-Evaluation Format
The evaluation form is in the method of a questionnaire consisting of a list of inquiries; purpose, audience, issues, resources, evidence, data-gathering techniques, analysis, and reports. Purpose: To improve developing children eating habits. Audience: Lafourche Parish Head Start Teacher 1 Issue: Are PreK instructors teaching proper health and nutrition to the children? Are the PreK instructors providing the families with information on proper health and nutrition? Resources: People Evidence: Child’s physical with the height/weight analysis. Data-Gathering Techniques: Questionnaires with teachers and phone interview with parents. Analysis: List if actual comments made by respondents (comparison). Reveal the purpose of the evaluation Reporting: Report final results to the teachers in an . This information could be used to revises lesson plans by adding or eliminating information in the instructions. Also possible updating or eliminating the Nutrition Kit.

20 Reference Brown, A. & Green, T.,D. (2011). The essential of instructional design: Connecting fundamental principle with process and practice. Person Education. ISBN Retrieved from ch10.html Ebbeling, C., B. & Pawlak, D.,B, & Ludwig, D.,S. (2002, Aug 10). Childhood Obesity: Public-health crisis, common sense cure. The Lancet.360(9331), Retrieved from origsite=summon& Kapp, K, D. (2011). Matching the right design strategy to the right content. Retrieved from bb b- f3ab %40sessionmgr120&vid=0&hid=123&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ %3d%3d#AN= &db=bth

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