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Coherence of parameters governing NEE variability in eastern U. S

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1 Coherence of parameters governing NEE variability in eastern U. S
Coherence of parameters governing NEE variability in eastern U.S. forests: A multisite data assimilation of eddy covariance data using TRIFFID. Daniel Ricciuto June 5th, 2006 ChEAS meeting IX

2 Motivation Terrestrial models are used to predict future fluxes.
Large uncertainty, grows with time Generally not constrained by observations How can flux towers help? Friedlingstein et al. (in press)

3 Data assimilation and flux towers
Previous work Braswell (2005), Sacks (2006): Parameter optimization using SipNET model Improves model estimates of NEE Captures seasonal cycle Interannual variability poorly modeled

4 Data assimilation and flux towers
Ricciuto et al. (in press) Simple model: based on gap-filling routines, includes SWC dependence reproduces daily sums of NEE reasonably well (example month: Sep 1997) Also reproduces seasonal cycle of monthly NEE sums reasonably well

5 Data assimilation and flux towers
Interannual variability in NEE sums poorly modeled, but does capture difference. Nighttime NEE variability modeled reasonably well but model is biased low (because respiration parameters include daytime data) Daytime NEE modeled reasonably well but model biased high (because respiration parameters include nighttime data) 1997 2001

6 Multiple tower assimilation
No published studies yet using data assimilation with multiple flux towers (others in press) Key questions: Can a single set of optimized model parameters: reproduce observed interannual variability? reproduce observed intersite variability? Are parameters coherent across space? Time? Model: Top-town representation of interactive foliage and flora including dynamics (TRIFFID)

7 The TRIFFID world: 5 PFTs
Source: Hadley Centre (

8 Modified TRIFFID carbon cycle
Climate input: Precip, PAR, Tair, RH Ra1 GPP1 GPP2 Ra2 Broadleaf PFT (H1, FRAC1, LAI1) Needleleaf PFT (H2, LAI2, FRAC2) wood wood RH Soil layer (Tsoil, CS, SWC) root root

9 Key model parameters Photosynthesis: Autotrophic respiration:
Vmax, a, Tupp, Tlow, Q10VM, SWCopt, SWCdep Autotrophic respiration: Rdc, Rgc, Q10RD Heterotrophic respiration: Csoil Q10, SWCoptR, SWCdepR Phenology Toff, SWCoff, Lburst

10 Nonconvex problem Nonlinear systems often are nonconvex (multiple maxima in parameter space) Gradient-based optimization (e.g. Levenberg-Marquardt) misconverges Need a method that can find global (best) solution

11 Assimilation technique
Stochastic Evolutionary Ranking Strategy (SRES) Global optimization method Stochastic – difficult to guarantee convergence Relatively fast method to find very good solution No parametric uncertainty (unlike MCMC) Method: Start with initial population (parameter sets) Evaluate goodness of fit (objective function) Select best-fitting members Mutate these members, repeat until convergence apparent Run twice for each tower, compare solutions

12 Method 5 eastern U.S. flux sites with long records (>= 5 years)
Optimize each site individually with hourly data (23 params) Optimize all 5 sites jointly (single set of parameters) Soil carbon treated as separate fit parameter for each site

13 Results: seasonal cycle

14 Interannual variability

15 Results: Joint optimization

16 Conclusions Optimized TRIFFID model reproduces seasonal cycle at each eddy covariance site well Interannual variability poorly modeled. Why? Poor representation of hydrology (fit improved at WLEF when SWC data used… but don’t have everywhere) Do we need better pools / time lag effects? Intersite variability modeled somewhat well Soil carbon as only intersite variable: oversimplification

17 Future work Better representation of hydrology
More data sources as constraints Hydrology where available Inventory data Manipulation experiments Run model over longer timescales Optimize parameters related to longer-term effects such as competition, CO2 fertilization Future predictions Couple to cheap GCMs, run ensembles of predictions to gauge uncertainty

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