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1 Bureau of Family Health: Infant Toddler Services
Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Part C Infant Toddler Services (ITS) In Kansas
Family-centered early intervention during the first three years of a child's life has the potential to make a profound difference in a child's future.
Early Intervention (EI) is a system of coordinated services that promotes the child’s growth and development and supports families during the critical early years.
Primary Goal of KS ITS To support a statewide, comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary system of services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
Principles used to guide this system’s development and implementation include:
The family is the most influential factor in a child’s life. The family is the most knowledgeable about the child’s and family’s needs.
All children with disabilities should have the opportunity to achieve their maximum potential.
All children should be checked periodically to ensure that they are growing and developing normally. Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Child and family needs change rapidly; services should be flexible.
Services must be individualized to meet the needs of the child and family. The local community is the preferred place for a child and family to receive needed services. Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Infants and toddlers learn best through everyday experiences and interactions with familiar people in familiar surroundings. No one agency or program can offer the full array of early intervention services needed. Comprehensive services can be achieved through coordinated efforts from multiple agencies.
The Family Is the Center of Every Child’s World. The family:
Is the child’s most important developmental contact. Should be the most important focus in EI. Is essential to meet the developmental needs of all young children.
EI services delivered within the context of the family can:
Reduce the future costs of special education, rehabilitation and health care needs. Improve developmental and educational gains.
Reduce feelings of isolation, stress and frustration that families may experience.
Help children with disabilities grow up to become productive, independent individuals.
Why Kansas Supports Evidence Based Practices (EBP)
The Law Says… The Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires that EI services under Part C for infants and toddlers with disabilities from birth to three years of age… Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
…be provided in natural environments and that early childhood special education (ECSE) services under Part B for children ages three through five be provided in least restrictive environments.
Natural and least restrictive environments means settings that are typical for the child’s age peers.
Kansas ITS Quality Training and Technical Assistance Monitoring
Training and Technical Assistance
Training contracts Materials development Raising the awareness and knowledge about unique needs of infants and toddlers
Monitoring for Implementation of Performance Standards
The purpose of program monitoring is continuous program improvement through daily services and the continuous improvement plan. Raising the bar to reach new goals. Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Evaluation State Required Reports
Collaboration With Partners and ICC’s State Required Training and Evaluations
Each network provides services to eligible children and their families.
Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
Services Include: Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy
Family Training, Counseling (Home Visits) Psychological Social Work Special Instruction Speech/Language
Health Medical (diagnostic & evaluation) Nursing Nutrition Vision Transportation Assistive Technology Audiology Family Service Coordination
KS In-Service Training Center (KITS) 1-620-421-6550 X 1618 --
Sustain collaborative partnerships between State Agencies, Institutions of Higher Education, Local Agencies, and Professional Organizations working in the area of early childhood. Develop and disseminate evidence and research based materials. Increase the knowledge, skills and capacity of individuals and/or organizations across the state through results-based training and technical assistance. Contribute to the development of state level guidance documents, processes, and training materials.
Families Together, Inc. 1-800-264-6343 http://www. familiestogetherinc
A statewide organization that serves families of children and youth with exceptional needs. Support Information Advocacy Education Training
Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
You may find local network providers by visiting the Kansas ITS web site at:
Or call: Our Vision - Healthy Kansans living in safe and sustainable environments
27 Bureau of Family Health: Infant Toddler Services
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