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RIGHT Getting the Story

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1 RIGHT Getting the Story
Medbiquitous Virtual Patient Design Workshop Getting the Story RIGHT

2 Stories provide a holistic structure that is similar to how we learn in our daily lives.
Storytelling Allows listener to turn the story into their own ideas and experiences B. Listener’s brain activity begins to mirror the speaker C. Emotionally-charged event releases dopamine, creating memory with greater accuracy D. A well-told story engages the motor cortex, sensory cortex and frontal cortex DecisionSim Interactive Story Elements:  • Learner control: learners interact with content and make decisions • Engagement: learners are emotionally connected to the story • Feedback: learners see the consequences of their choices • Reflection: mentors simulate apprenticeship • Experimentation: learners explore various choices in a safe environment • Adaptive content: media and story progress based upon the learner’s selections Storytelling provides emotional engagement, shared context, and relevance. This enables us to: Recall information Accelerate and rewind time Connect actions to consequences Explore decisions in a safe environment

3 Story-Based Simulation
Effective storytelling significantly improves training outcomes by providing context and supporting emotional engagement Story-Based Simulation Setting the stage by describing the setting and timing of the simulation Developing characters by letting them speak for themselves Creating a plot with dramatic conflict by developing different learning paths

4 Simulation Storyboarding
Stay in the Story (SitS) Simulation Storyboarding Nominate a chief storyteller The storyteller tells a fairy tale The storyteller tells a horror story Keep the story short and to stick to the theme Integrate the stories Review and revise

5 Simulation Story Flow & Branching
Simulation Introduction Set expectations, learning goals, time commitment, CME, survey Story Introduction Introduce setting, time, mentor, learner role, challenge Learning Paths Provide choices and consequences leading to reflection and insight Story Conclusion Resolve conflict and summarize learning Simulation Conclusion Wrap up with instructions for survey, steps for CME, and resources

6 Branching simulations supported by a good story can create insights for both learners and educator
Learner Insights: Branching simulations enable learners to make decisions and see consequences. Through guided reflection with online mentors, learners come to their own insights. Educator Insights: Branching simulations that require learners to make decisions provide rich data for educators to gain insights about learner competencies.

7 Mentors Mentors - Who will your audience respect?
Online mentors provide coaching and personalized feedback Learners self-reported "…greater confidence in their understanding of feedback received from this mentor than feedback received as a model response to a question."

8 If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?
Development Tools Planning Document for design, data and development questions used to populate the Design Document. Documenting your Design: Simulation Scope Template Design Document Template Storyboard Templates DecisionSim StyleGuide Style Guide for consistent formatting

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