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Announcements & review

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements & review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements & review
Last Time Manipulating 2D arrays of base types int[][] board = new int[3][3] Today More on 2D arrays Finish TicTacToe No Announcements!? Lecture 22: 2 Dimensional Arrays

2 Lecture 22: 2 Dimensional Arrays
Array declarations int[][] blob; int[][] blob2 = new int[3][5]; int[][] blob3 = new int[4]; for (i=1;i<=blob3.length; i++) { blob3[i-1] = new int[i]; } blob -> null blob2 -> after declaration blob3 -> after loop blob3 -> -> null -> null -> null -> null Lecture 22: 2 Dimensional Arrays

3 Lecture 22: 2 Dimensional Arrays
Java Examples in BlueJ Let’s continue with our tic-tac-toe program Lecture 22: 2 Dimensional Arrays

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