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Today’s goals Discuss how to include media and format our documents for the final draft of the WTI essays Introduce strategies for closed form prose structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s goals Discuss how to include media and format our documents for the final draft of the WTI essays Introduce strategies for closed form prose structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s goals Discuss how to include media and format our documents for the final draft of the WTI essays Introduce strategies for closed form prose structure Peer review the first draft of our WTI essays

2 Class Discussion- multimodality and document design
What is multimodality? How are web articles multimodal? Aside from the text, what are the other important elements of a web article?

3 WTI-multimodal document design
Top banner from website Main media (picture or video) (Optional) Supporting media (graphs or additional photos/videos) (Optional) Side banners from website (Optional) Author mini-bio (Optional) Reply and comment section (Optional) Ads and sponsored links Note: make sure to cite any picture or banners you take from the web on your works cited page. Images should also have a caption to indicate their source

4 Multimodal document design
Use a Snipping tool to remove, cut, or edit parts of images and paste them into your document Microsoft Word can easily create multimodal documents if you follow two options: Use a snipping tool to select an image Copy image from clipboard Pate image into text Right click  Word Wrap Text  Square Using Wrap text square is paramount! Otherwise Word will make working with pictures rather difficult

5 Class discussion – closed form prose structure
What are unity and coherence? What are transition words? What are some example transition words? What are forecasting and fulfillment?

6 Closed form prose vocabulary
Topic sentence Unity Coherence Transitions

7 Unity strategies What is the main idea of my essay?
Does every detail/piece of evidence support the main idea? Are any sentences unnecessary or repeating old information? Do the essay present any evidence that counters the thesis or related topic sentence?

8 Coherence strategies What is the last sentence of my preceding paragraph? What is the first sentence of my new paragraph? Is there a clear link between these ideas? What part of the essay am I currently writing/reading? Is that clear from the topic sentence of that paragraph? Am I using transition words and phrases between paragraphs and ideas? Am I repeating too many of the same transition strategies?

9 Transition words and phrases
First of all moreover In addition Furthermore Even though In conclusion Nevertheless As well as The second criteria Despite On the other hand Building off of Of equal importance In the first place Whereas Initially More importantly Previously

10 Group activity- wti intro analysis
In your unit 2 groups Share the hook and theses you have developed for your WTI essays. For each student tin the group: Is the student using a soft lead, hard lead, or buried lead strategy? How engaging is the student’s hook? Give this a rating on a scale of 1-5. What rhetorical appeal(s) might be involved in the student’s hook?

11 Group activity- WTI peer review
Exchange drafts with one other student (3 students per group iff one person is missing their draft) Read through the draft and answer the questions below What kind of structure do the body paragraphs follow? (Consider: inverted pyramid, chronological, general to specific) How many pieces of direct evidence are included in the essay? Would you describe these as quotes or paraphrase (give a number and identification for each) Does the student provide information about the 6 main questions? (Who, what, when, where, why, and how) For each question word, give a brief answer. Check the separation between each paragraph to evaluate the essay’s coherence (using the last sentence of one paragraph and the first sentence of the next paragraph). Does each have a smooth transition or use transition words?

12 homework WTI Draft 2 250+ words Should include multimodal elements
Must include a works cited page Printed and brought to class on Tuesday 3-20

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