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Cardiac Chest Pain Maurizio Cecchini - Cardiologist

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1 Cardiac Chest Pain Maurizio Cecchini - Cardiologist
Emergency Department Pronto Soccorso “S.Chiara” Pisa

2 Who is he? fellow at the Institute of Cardiology - University of Pisa 1982 graduated in Medicine and Surgery - U. of Pisa 1985 specialized in Cardiovascular Medicine - U. of Pisa Head of the Mobile Coronary Care Unit -Pisa underchief and then Chief of the Coronary Care Unit of the University Cardiology Department Emergency Doctor at the Emergency Department “Pronto Soccorso” of Pisa

3 Coronary Care Units in Pisa
Hospital Cardiology Unit beds University Cardiology Unit beds C.N.R. Cardiology Unit beds Coronary angiography + PTCA 24 h\24 Heart Surgery team available 24 h\24

4 Rescue PTCA Average time in Pisa
Acute AMI are recovered immediately in CCU. Rescue PTCA in min. time (even if not in the main Hospital ) (Deaths during assisted transport = 0%)


6 Emergency Care Unit Pronto Soccorso Pisa Fast Effective Available
Experienced Updtated maurizio cecchini 2005


8 Cardiovascular diseases causing chest pain
Angina and mycordial infarction Aortic dissection Pulmonary embolism Acute pericarditis maurizio cecchini 2005

9 Chest pain in angina and myocardial infarction

10 Where do you feel pain ?

11 Which kind of pain is it? pressure constriction burning “disconfort”
“bad digestion” maurizio cecchini 2005

12 Which was the onset of pain ?
It starts slowly, increasing its intensity, then slowly fades away. It lasts about minutes. In AMI can last even few hours. maurizio cecchini 2005

13 What were you doing when it started? Effort Cold Sexual activity
Emotional stress At rest Sleeping maurizio cecchini 2005

14 used the nitroglycerin pill ?
What happened when you used the nitroglycerin pill ? The pain faded away in 3-5 min (but even in hiatus hernia…) No improvement or transient improvement in AMI maurizio cecchini 2005

15 Related symptoms in cardiac chest pain
Short heavy breath weakness Cold sweating “funny heart beat” fainting Vomiting (Sudden death) maurizio cecchini 2005

16 Exams performed at the “triage”
ECG + monitoring Blood samples (troponin, CPK-mB, myoglobin, SGOT) Emogasanalysis Chest X-Ray Monitoring BP ECHO maurizio cecchini 2005

17 Sequence… ECHO ECG ECG ECHO chest pain maurizio cecchini 2005

18 …although the ECG… …can be abnormal in a chronic heart disease…
A patient with heart problems should always have the last ECG in his wallet. maurizio cecchini 2005

19 out…! A normal ECG does NOT exclude a severe heart problem
Always think : - Acute aortic dissection - Pulmonary Embolism maurizio cecchini 2005

20 In most cases the pain is difficult to explain….
PULMONARY EMBOLISM In most cases the pain is difficult to explain…. Generical chest disconfort.. Like a blade.. Like a weight.. Like a belt…a knot maurizio cecchini 2005

21 In massive pulmonary embolism
EGA: low oxigen, low CO2, alcalosis ECG: S1…Q3 maurizio cecchini 2005

22 Although in the pulmonary embolism
..very often the thrombosis is NOT Massive.. …most of survived cases show multiple little embolisms… maurizio cecchini 2005

23 Blood gases analysis Anxiety : pO2 , pCo2 Pulmonary
Nell Anxiety : pO2 , pCo2 Pulmonary Embolism : pO2 , pC02 maurizio cecchini 2005

24 Aortic dissection The pain is severe, can migrate from the
front down on the back. Neurological symptoms may occur if the dissection includes the origin of the carotid arteries as well as an AMI can be present if the coronary arteries are involved in the dissection . Diagnosis can be DIFFICULT, if you do not think about it…. maurizio cecchini 2005

25 .. Femoral and radial artery pulses can be different
AORTIC DISSECTION .. Femoral and radial artery pulses can be different ...The pain “comes and goes” ,often in the back chest…. Aortic incompetence murmur can be present maurizio cecchini 2005

26 …the pain depends on the position.. ...fever …young patients
Pericarditis …the pain depends on the position.. ...fever …young patients …”leather rubbing” noises maurizio cecchini 2005

27 When the clinical exam and the clinical history of the patient
do not match with the instrumental findings , ALWAYS THINK that maybe these could be inadequate in THAT patient, in THAT moment.. maurizio cecchini 2005

28 Heart attack…what to do ?
Calm down the patient, sedatives are …welcome Alert the 118 immediately , explaining what is happening, where exactly you are Don’t put the phone down , leave your mobile number to the 118 operator


30 Waiting for the ambulance
Put the patient in a comfortable position Supply oxigen if possible Talk to the patient , making him sure that Italians Emergency Doctors are great…!! (you can say it loud…) Be ready to start a CPR, find someone around ready to help you… THINK FORWARD


32 Having plenty of instrumental exams available
can force us to reduce the time of hearing the patient, to let him tell us how he really feels, the reason why he came to be visited,therefore, TO FAIL a correct diagnosis and therapy maurizio cecchini 2005

33 …thanks for your attention !
maurizio cecchini 2005

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