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Specific Learning Difficulties: What administrators need to know

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1 Specific Learning Difficulties: What administrators need to know
June Massey

2 Aims be aware of barriers students with Specific Learning Difficulties experience have solutions to those barriers be aware of other services and technology available

3 What are Specific Learning Difficulties?
Umbrella term to describe a range of difficulties – includes dyslexia, dyspraxia and others At Cambridge, students present with particular difficulties which are then investigated 30% of those who disclose Specific Learning Difficulties are diagnosed after commencing their course Relearning to learn/study skills, have got here with bad strategies and loads of support End with – So – to consider what students with Specific Learning Difficulties might find difficult, it can be helpful to consider what students need to be able to do 3

4 What is dyslexia? 'Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty which mainly affects the development of literacy and language related skills. It is likely to be present at birth and to be lifelong in its effects. It is characterised by difficulties with phonological processing, rapid naming, working memory, processing speed, and the automatic development of skills that may not match up to an individual’s other cognitive abilities.

5 What is dyspraxia? Difficulties with
motor co-ordination (fine & gross) visual perception visual spatial skills speed of processing & working memory retrieval and processing of language time management, organisation & sequencing

6 Diagnosis and setting up support
Student contacts DRC Student has preliminary session with Adviser Student has an assessment with an Educational Psychologist Student goes to Access Centre for Needs Assessment Report Support is arranged

7 Diagnostic evidence Diagnostic report conducted by a Practitioner Psychologist or Specialist Teacher with PAToSS Practising Certificate. This report should be Less than 3 years old on entry to University Post 16 The report should include A diagnosis Specific Recommendations And can be used to apply for Exam access arrangements Disabled Student’s Allowances

8 Initial interview/disclosure
Assessment Timeline Initial interview/disclosure 2 weeks EP Assessment 4 weeks Needs Assessment DSA in place

9 Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs)
Available to home students with diagnosed impairment What they can be used for specialist equipment you need for studying - for example, computer software & hardware (Directgov website) International students can apply to the International Disabled Students Fund (IDS) for the same support IDS applications are made via the DRC

10 Reasonable Adjustment’s Fund (RAF)
Available to students with diagnosed impairment What the RAF can be used for a non-medical helper, such as a note-taker, 1:1 study skills tuition, mentoring. Apply direct to the DRC

11 Devolved tasks Following recent changes to Disabled Student’s Allowances, the following task are now devolved to departments and Colleges: Practical support assistants Library support assistants Workshop/lab assistants Examination support workers

12 What the code says about disclosure
asking applicants to declare publicising the provision that is made for disabled people providing opportunities for students to tell tutors/teachers or other staff in confidence asking students once they are on the course explaining to students the benefit of disclosure and about confidentiality ensuring that the atmosphere and culture is open and welcoming Need to ensure the information is circulated and stored appropriately asking applicants to courses to declare their disabilities on application and enrolment forms publicising the provision that is made for disabled people, or providing opportunities for students to tell tutors/teachers or other staff in confidence asking students once they are on the course whether they need any specific arrangements because of a disability explaining to students the benefit of disclosure and how this information will be kept confidential ensuring that the atmosphere and culture at the institution or service is open and welcoming so that disabled people feel safe to disclose a disability.

13 Communication Challenges for student: Admin solutions:
Reading s & written communications Misunderstanding Organisation & time management Slow in responding Forgetting to deal with Missing deadlines Admin solutions: Minimum 12pt font Arial/Sans serif typeface Use bullet points / break down text (see handout) reminders encourage student to use own reminder tools Write s in a clear way, break down continuous text into short bullet points or numbered headings. Be aware that you are likley to need to give plenty of reminders (and back up written reminders with verbal reminders if possible) If you are with the student, encourage them to put the dates/activities into their own diary system 13

14 Admin support for teaching and learning:
Challenges for student: Reading boards/handouts. Listening and taking notes in lectures Capturing information Student self-capture Note-taking assistants Staff awareness Admin solutions: Arrange handouts in advance (accessible formats) Recording permission DRC process Department process Timetabling Circulate SSD Admin support that relates to lectures and supervisions. Discuss processes around ensuring that students get handouts in advance and have permission to record. Keeping timetabling consistent and notifying the student and any note-taker in advance helps to ensure that the note-taker & student attend the correct lecture To ensure that all relevant staff are aware of the students diagnosis, impact on study and adjustments, please circulate the SSD 14

15 Admin support for practicals/fieldwork/years abroad
Solutions: Make expectations explicit Written details/ instructions in a range of formats Use ‘dyslexia friendly’ formats for communications Encourage student to use organisation tools (diary,etc) Circulate SSD Challenges: Organisation and time management Expectations Staff awareness of profile and requirements Student benefit from having the protocols/schedules/expectations relating to fieldwork being made explicit and in written as well as verbal form. Produce written information in dyslexia friendly format Help student to use scheduling tools/electronic diary/online collaboration tools/assistive technology to organise and time manage As the staff are external to the university, it may be necessary to circulate the SSD as they may not have received this 15

16 Admin support : Exams Challenges: Solutions:
Organisation & time management Assessment process Deadlines & application process Responding to s Solutions: Early contact with student Reminders Verbal as well as written communication Checking documentation & student requirements Liaising with DRC Need to keep chasing the student – don’t rely on them replying to s. Check that the documentation and the students requirements match (these can change – e.g use of word processor/rest breaks in addition to extra time) Explain the DRC process i.r.o exams – what we tell the student, when and how and the reminders that the DRC send 16

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