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2 CREDIT BY DEMONSTRATED MASTERY Beginning with 2014-2015, students may be given the opportunity to receive high school course credit when they demonstrate mastery of the subject matter successfully. May be given – because the original directive was for the implementation of the program completely. After much consideration, the date for complete implementation was moved to the following year 2015-2016.

3 ORIGINAL GUIDELINES The original directive had these guidelines: All students in grades 6-12 would be given the opportunity to obtain credit by demonstrated mastery for all college preparatory level courses (NO HONORS), with the exception of some courses (for ex. Early Childhood, Marketing Co-op, specific courses with hands-on skills, etc.) CDM grades would be reported as P/F only and would not have any effect on the Grade Point Average (GPA). The CDM process begins with a student-parent application, a Phase I testing component, and if the test score is high enough, a Phase II artifact, product, portfolio, etc. component.

4 ORIGINAL GUIDELINES Many decisions were to be made in a very short period of time. The first testing window as designated by the state was in February. Another would be in July, and both would have an effect on the master schedule for 14-15. Phase I for EOCs would be the EOC – but Phase I for other courses was not certain but it could not be the NC Final exam. There were no specifics on Phase II – but an LEA decision was necessary for whether there would be a school committee, a district committee, or both, and where the appeal process would go.

5 PLANS FOR UCPS PILOT In February 2014, CDM for only EOCs – English II, Biology, and Math I + one CTE course – yet to be determined Only present 8 th grade and 9 th grade students. Phase I will be the EOC or the CTE (IMS) exam. If a student is successful on Phase I, (Level IV) then he/she will proceed to Phase II. The specifics of Phase II are yet to be determined – more discussion with DPI. If the student does not score a Level IV at the appropriate scale score cut-off, the test score is discarded and the student must take the course. There can be only one attempt. The student may not begin a course and then decide to attempt CDM.

6 PLANS FOR UCPS PILOT Application process results will determine if we need a school committee or just a district committee. Presently the district committee will be Dr. Jones, Dr. Little, Dr. Healy, Carolyn White, Robert Filter, and at least one middle and one high school principal.

7 LONG TERM IMPLICATIONS Advanced Courses through Grade 12 Discuss current options available for advanced curriculum and instruction. Discuss CDM as well as other possible pathways for advanced learning through grade 12. Review how programs such as high school courses in middle school, AP/IB/Honors courses, CCP opportunities, and whole-grade acceleration may also support a students needs. If a child does indeed subject accelerate with CDM or through other means, create a long- term plan to ensure the student, family and school are all working together and are aware of future opportunities.

8 LONG TERM IMPLICATIONS Athletic/Extra-Curricular Activities Discuss the implications for CDM on athletic and other extra- curricular activities. Please see the CDM Guidance Document to learn more about information from various athletic associations regarding CDM. Discuss with the students/families how earning CDM may impact a students participation in these school activities.

9 LONG TERM IMPLICATIONS GPA and Quality Points Share and discuss how CDM courses will not earn grades or quality points towards GPA. Credit for CDM courses will be granted to meet high school graduation requirements. This may be a concern for some students and families; however, CDM should be pursued when a student truly wants to benefit from a more challenging learning experience and move towards more advanced coursework. Students may earn CDM for all standard- level high school courses in grades 9-12 and those high school courses offered in middle school. Credit earned through CMD will be recorded as on the transcript in Poweschool.

10 LONG TERM IMPLICATIONS High School Diploma Endorsements Discuss the criteria for High School Diploma Endorsements (SBE, GCS-L-007), Career, College and Academic Scholars. Walk through the CDM implications for interested Diploma Endorsements to ensure appropriate coursework is completed. For example: If a student desires to work towards the NC Academic Scholars Endorsement and achieves CDM for a standard-level course instead of enrolling in an honors-level course, develop a plan to meet the criteria of the honors-level or above course criteria needed to attain the NC Academic Scholars Endorsement.

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