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Agenda Warm Up Discussion: China and Japan, Spheres of Influence

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Warm Up Discussion: China and Japan, Spheres of Influence"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Warm Up Discussion: China and Japan, Spheres of Influence
Opium… What’s That?! Quick Review Propaganda: Racism and bias in Japan HW: Compare and Contrast China and Japan

2 Warm Up What is gained by the United States after the Spanish-American War in 1898?

3 Imperialism over China and Japan

4 Chinese Isolation China and Japan both isolationist
Chinese felt they were superior to west. When presented with Western Technology, Chinese not interested in “gadgets” China is self-sufficient, no need for connections to outside world. Extensive food supply, along with manufacturing.

5 Opium Wars 1839-1842 Britain wants more Chinese goods, China says no.
British take Opium from India and start selling in China Chinese ships no match for steamboats of Britain. Treaty of Nanjing: Gives Hong Kong and parts of China to Britain


7 Problems in China Chinese hated the new foreigners.
Sphere of Influence- foreign nations control trade and investment. Open Door Policy started to preserve American trade interests.

8 Boxer Rebellion & Chinese Nationalism
Anti-West, Boxer Chinese vs. Pro-West, Christian Chinese Called Boxers because of their martial arts Took Beijing and winning at the start Until Russian reinforcements arrive Boxer prisoners executed, China forced to pay $ to all nations effected by rebellion


10 Japan and the Outsiders
Started Isolationist Merchants distrusted 1605ish- Very active in foreign trade Christian Missionaries welcome 1635- Seclusion Laws Only trade with China, Korea, and Netherlands Christians banned

11 Japan Ends Isolation Naval Officer Matthew Perry shows up with an offer. Free trade between America and Japan. Treaty of Kanagawa opened two ports for American ships.

12 Reform and Modernization
Modernized Japan by sending scholars to study western culture and technology. Adopted a strong military, and free public education. Industrialization follows.

13 Japanese Imperialism Strongest military in Asia.
Sino-Japanese War (1894) gives Japan several colonies. China vs Japan Japan gets Korea as protectorate- controlled and protected Russo-Japanese War gave Japan Manchuria. Imperialists Forced Koreans to learn Japanese Customs and language. Forced labor camps and death marches

14 Quick Questions Why did the Chinese resist Western influence?
Why did the Opium War occur? What are Spheres of Influence? What is an open door policy? Why does Japan end isolation? How does Japan become an imperial power? Who does Japan attempt to conquer in their military conquests?

15 Japanese Propaganda Each student will receive a print of the Russo-Japanese War. For these prints, you must tell me what is going on in the print, and is there bias towards one specific group. Then you must explain why.

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