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Vocabulary Chapters 4-7 The Green Book.

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1 Vocabulary Chapters 4-7 The Green Book

2 laden carrying a load, usually heavy

3 reckoned thought or believed something

4 malfunction to fail to function properly or normally, or stop functioning altogether

5 furrows narrow trenches in the soil made by a plow

6 solemn serious in appearance, sound, or mood

7 sieve a tool used to separate solid from liquid or to separate smaller pieces of something from larger pieces

8 crimson dark, purple-red in color

9 chrysalis an insect at the stage of changing from larva to adult, during which it is inactive and inside a cocoon

10 harrow a farm tool used to break up and level ground that has been plowed

11 faceted having small, flat, polished surfaces like a cut gem

12 aloft upward, high up, or in a higher position

13 refugees people forced to leave their homes or countries to seek safety or protection

14 vacant showing no signs of thought, intelligence, or expression

15 bemused caused to be preoccupied or lost in thought

16 relevant directly connected with and important to what is being discussed or considered

17 chaff the husks separated from grain by threshing

18 rations fixed and limited amounts of something allowed, especially food

19 alighted landed or settled after a flight

20 swaths grass or grain cut and deposited along a line

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