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Experimental Design Terminology

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1 Experimental Design Terminology
Mrs. Nielsen Chemistry

2 Experimental Design Terminology
Scientific Method: A technique for investigating phenomena or acquiring new knowledge based on making observations and measuring evidence to support a conclusion

3 Experimental Design Terminology
Control Group: The standard of comparison for checking or verifying the results of an experiment (the “Normal” condition)

4 Experimental Design Terminology
Independent Variable: The variable that is manipulated or changed by the scientist * If I am the scientist, then I control this! (graphed on x-axis) Example: Length of Spaghetti Noodle

5 Experimental Design Terminology
Dependent Variable: The measured result of changing the independent variable (graphed on y-axis) Example: Mass of Spaghetti Noodle

6 Experimental Design Terminology
Constants (Controlled Variables) Conditions that are kept consistent throughout the experiment What were the constants in the spaghetti noodle activity?

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