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The Thermal History of the Universe

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1 The Thermal History of the Universe
Lecture 15 The Thermal History of the Universe Planck’s Era GUT Epoch Gravitons decoupling Inflation Baryogenesis Transition quarks-hadrons Neutrino decoupling Electron annihilation Nucleosynthesis Primordial Matter-Energy Equality Recombination Photon decoupling (CMBR) Astronomía Extragaláctica y Cosmología Observacional Depto. de Astronomía (UGto)

2 Planck Era ħ > 2 G m mc c2 mPl = [ħc/2G]½ = 2.210–8 kg ≈ 1019 GeV
In principle T, ρ and P → ∞ as a → 0, but there comes a point at which our knowledge of Physics breaks down. This is where the thermal energy of typical particles is such that their de Broglie wavelength is smaller than their Schwarzschild radius t < tPl defines the Planck Era Thus, it is incorrect to extend the standard model to a = 0 and conclude that the Universe began in a singularity of infinite density! ħ > 2 G m mc c2 mPl = [ħc/2G]½ = 2.210–8 kg ≈ 1019 GeV rPl = ħ/(mPlc) = [2ħG/c3]½ = 1.610–35 m tPl = [2ħG/c5]½ = 5.410–44 s

3 The GUT Epoch relic If current ideas about unification are correct, the first “event” of our Universe was the decoupling of gravitons (before that they were supposedly in thermal equilibrium with the remainder), that occurred at about tPl thus, their present temperature should be at most 0.91 K, corresponding to a number density of less than about 15 cm–3 this also sets the possible first phase transition (spontaneous symmetry breaking) that corresponds to the separation of the gravitational interaction from the GUT one The spontaneous symmetry breakings are treated in the Particle Physics by the Gauge theories (based on the idea of Gauge group symmetry and Gauge boson particles – photons, vector bosons, gluons and gravitons – which carry the “forces”). Examples of Gauge theories are the following U(1) → Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) SU(2)U(1) → Weinberg-Salaam Electroweak Theory SU(3) → Quantum Chromodynamics (quarks, strong interaction) SU(3)SU(2)U(1) → The Standard Model SU(5) → Grand Unified Theory (GUT) O(10) → another GUT See, for example, Roos 1999, Introduction to Cosmology, chap. 6 or Kolb & Turner 1993, The Early Universe, chap. 7

4 Inflation At the end of GUT period supposedly occurs an exponential expansion of the Universe called inflation (for a growing factor of about 1030), driven by a quantum scalar field (inflaton) during the inflation, the total pressure is negative, P < –ρ/3, and the Hubble “constant” really stays constant at least two important things occur at the inflation period: quantum fluctuations are taken to astronomical scales by the inflation expansion and become the seeds for structure formation at the end of the exponential expansion the Universe is reheated to a high temperature (~ 1015 GeV), “recreating” the Universe (that is, the energy of the inflaton is converted back into conventional matter) The main predictions of inflation are: k = 0 (the most natural), although there are inflationary models for k = –1; nearly scale-invariant (n=1), Gaussian, adiabatic, density perturbations nearly scale-invariant gravitational waves…

5 Inflation The inflation is not part of the standard model. It was proposed by A. Guth [1981, Phys. Rev. 23, 347] to solve some problems of this theory (and of Particle Physics): flatness problem – if today the Universe is close to flat, it should have been much more close in the past (Ω = 1 is an unstable critical point)  inflation forces Ω to 1 in the beginning horizon problem – CMBR photons emitted from opposite sides of the sky seem to be in thermal equilibrium, which is not expected by the standard model since these photons did not have time to make contact (one is out of the other’s horizon) topological defects – like initial inhomogeneities and magnetic monopoles created during phase transitions, are diluted  during reheating the T does not get hot enough for allowing them to form again

6 Baryogenesis The GUT epoch ends when the strong interaction separates from the electroweak one (second phase transition) An important symmetry breaking that possibly occurred in this phase is the asymmetry (1/109) between matter and anti-matter (specially quarks and anti-quarks) this asymmetry is usually associated to the baryogenesis or baryosynthesis A. Sakharov [1967] realized that the baryosynthesis requires 3 conditions: baryon number (B) no conservation (from a lepton, L, asymmetry) C (charge conjugation) and CP (charge-parity) violation departure from equilibrium (phase transitions, p.e.) The GUT phase transition may provide these conditions, but also the Electroweak one that occurred after relic

7 Eletroweak Epoch During this era occurs the condensation of quarks in
hadrons (baryons and mesons) only nucleons (p+ and n0) are stable

8 Eletroweak Epoch relic Tγ3 = (11/4) Tν3
The decoupling of neutrinos (ν) takes place in this epoch. if we assume the lepton number (L) conservation, the number of ν and ν are equal for each species (e, μ, τ) just like radiation, we expect Tν  (1+z) (since they also relativistic). Prior to ν decoupling we expect Tν ~ Tγ; after the e–/e+ annihilation we expect At the end of this era, since the temperature cools, occurs the annihilation e–/e+ pairs Tγ3 = (11/4) Tν3 Tν = (4/11)1/3 (2.725) = 1.95 (1+z) K

9 Primordial Nucleosynthesis (SBBN)
relic At a temperature from K (begins about 1s after the BB) occurs the primordial nucleosynthesis of: 12D 23He 24He 37Li (the others are unstable…) Since the mean T of the Universe falls down with time, the initially equilibrium rate between p+ and n0 changes due to decay of the second: This happens because of the higher mass of the n0 (and lower half-life). After the n0 are processed into nucleons, the their number remain constant. (n/p) = e–Q/T Q = mn – mp = MeV

10 Primordial Nucleosynthesis

11 Equality, Recombination and CMBR
Matter-radiation equality (zeq ~ 4000) marks the transition to the matter domination regime it has special significance for the formation of structures that was only possible in the matter regime At early times, radiation and matter are thermally and dynamically coupled by Compton interactions (nearly in thermal equilibrium). As the temperature gets low, the electrons become slow enough that they can be captured into atomic orbits by protons, forming stable H atoms. This is called “recombination” of free e–, although the e– had never being bound before. The He recombination occurs just a short time before. At a redshift of zdec ~ 1100, photons finally decouple from matter the last scattering did not occur to all photons at the same time, so this last scattering surface is really a shell of thickness Δz ~ 0.07z relic

12 Synthesis z Age T(K) kT Planck’s Era
Radiation Era GUT Epoch Quantum-Gravity SB 10–44s GeV gravitons decoupling Inflation Electroweak Epoch GUT SB –34s GeV Baryogenesis Quarks Epoch Electroweak SB –10s GeV quarks → hadrons –5s GeV Leptons Epoch MeV ν decoupling s MeV e–/e+ annihilation keV Plasma Epoch P. Nucleosynthesis s keV Matter-radiation equality a eV Matter Era Recombination eV γ decoupling (CMBR) a eV Star and galaxy formation Reionization Epoch Λ Era Accelerated Expansion Epoch Now Ga 10–3eV

13 Synthesis

14 Synthesis

15 Synthesis

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