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Warm-Up (5) It is 1796, an election year. Voters are trying to decide between John Adams (a Federalist) and Thomas Jefferson (a Democratic-Republican).

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up (5) It is 1796, an election year. Voters are trying to decide between John Adams (a Federalist) and Thomas Jefferson (a Democratic-Republican)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up (5) It is 1796, an election year. Voters are trying to decide between John Adams (a Federalist) and Thomas Jefferson (a Democratic-Republican). Think about the positions of each political party. Who do you vote for and why? I would vote for __________ who is a _______ because….

2 Speed Skills (5) Time: 3 minutes Magic Number: 15

3 Class Period 2/17/16 2nd 72% 5th 57% 6th 60% 7th

4 Class Mottos (3) Who are we? Diamonds!

5 “Swing your machete!”


7 Turn and Talk (2) Would you want to follow the presidency of George Washington? Why or why not?

8 Today’s Objective (15) Team Haughton’s 2020 Diamonds will:
Summarize the major events of the Adams’ Presidency

9 The Presidency of John Adams pg. 67
Unit 6: The New Republic

10 The Basics Federalist Party 1797-1801
Lawyer, writer, Founding Father, diplomat

11 The U.S. Navy Built a stronger Navy

12 XYZ Affair France is stealing our ships and cargo
Adams sends representatives to France Three unnamed French agents ask for a bribe America says no!


14 Undeclared War Naval war against France
U.S. wins, taking 85 ships to 1

15 Is Adams a successful president so far? Why or why not?

16 The Alien Act Gave the president more power to deport “dangerous aliens” Harder for immigrants to vote

17 Sedition Act Made it a crime to speak or write negatively about the President, Congress, or the Federal Government

18 Turn & Talk What are the issues with these two laws?
Why did Federalists pass them? (THINK!) What do you think will be the result?


20 The Election of 1800 Adams loses to Jefferson
Democratic-Republicans win the next 3 major elections

21 Was Adam’s a successful president? Why or why not?

22 Independent Practice (12)
RAFT Option 1 Option 2 Role: John Adams Thomas Jefferson Audience: American public in 1800 (Election time!!!) Format: Speech talking about the major successes of your time in office and why you and the other Federalists deserve another term (explain why your failures were not that bad) Speech talking about what a failure Adams and the Federalists have been and why you and the other Democratic-Republicans should be given power (talk about why the good things about Adam’s are not all that Topic: The major events of John Adam’s presidency and whether or not you think the presidency has been a success

23 Cool-Down (Exit Ticket) (4)
Was his presidency a success? Why or why not?

24 Homework (1) Complete the Alien and Sedition Acts Homework

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