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He buys her a pair of shoes

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1 He buys her a pair of shoes
The Formula of Sex Man gets angry NO Sex Man tries again Man and Woman Agrees to have Sex in the evening The Man believes it can start right away Woman Blocks Man nags around , why woman does not want to have Sex NO Sex for A looong time Man acts as he has forgotten it all Woman relaxes Man assumes , that the time has come and makes Sexual advances Man trips on purpose on the carpet, showing how vulnerable he is Woman get tired Man falls asleep Woman suggest a joint dinner Man makes sexual advance Man pretends that he is hungry The food which is ready after Hours, and Hours is eaten Woman melts away Man discovery rather quick, how much fun they can have together also without Sex Woman happily shares this though After the bathing, the Man suggests that a bottle of Wine is opened Man suggests a bath for two Man drinks the bottle by him self After the bottle of Wine, Man does, what he should have had done all along : He buys her a pair of shoes Mans Knee heals quickly and he suggests Sex Man suggest a trip to Venice Man suggest a refreshing walk in order make Woman relaxed Man tries to find a shortcut SEX Woman gets exited and starts to read a catalogue

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