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Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

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1 Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg 05.04.2016
Study on the applicability of EURO method in the delineation of Labour Market Areas Kezán András Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

2 Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg 05.04.2016
Goals The expected result of this research is, to set up the non-overlapping system of Labour Market Areas for the whole country. It is aimed to ensure an additional territorial classification beside the existing administrative boundaries (which is based on the real local labour connections and flows) for decision makers in order to provide them with more detailed information on the local labour situation. By using this information main stakeholders might become capable of elaborating more precise policy interventions in this field. Further goal of our project is testing the applicability of EURO method in Hungary. Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

3 Roadmap Task1. Feasibility research
2.(a) TIMETABLE TO CARRY OUT EACH STAGE OF THE ACTION SHOWING MAIN DATES AND EXPECTED RESULTS FOR EACH STAGE Milestones/ Deliverables / Tasks / Results / Reports Timetable Task1. Feasibility research M +9 Milestone 1. Reviewing the scientific literature in connection with local labour markets, reviewing existing and formerly used methods and their outcomes / M+3 Milestone 2. Compilation of the research plan M + 4 Milestone 3. Choosing input data of the analysis and modelling M+4 Deliverable 1. Research plan M+5 Milestone 4. Sensitivity analysis M+6 Milestone 5. Choosing the appropriate parameters and delineate the suggested LMAs M+8 Deliverable 2. Feasibility study on the EURO method M+9 Task 2. Validation and model finalisation M+13 Milestone 6. Choosing feasible LMA structures M+10 Milestone 7. Comparing other existing methods and their outcomes with the EURO method Deliverable 3. Validation report, the comparative analysis of EURO method with other existing methods Deliverable 4. Final list and maps of LMAs Task 3. Communication and dissemination M+18 Deliverable 5. Scientific publication on the feasibility of EURO method in Hungary (bilingual) M+15 Milestone 8. Describing the LMAs by the help of further statistical indicators, grouping the LMAs from many points of view M+14 Milestone 9. Compilation of printed publication on “Labour Market Areas in Hungary” M+16 Deliverable 5. Printed publication on “Labour Market Areas in Hungary” Milestone 10. Participating in scientific and other forums Deliverable 6. Publishing the outcomes of the action, short description of the EURO method, list and maps of the LMAs on the HCSO website Task 4. Sharing knowledge and best practices

4 Methodological background
In order to use EURO method properly, it should be clear what are the differences between the many quiet similar, but basically very diverse definitions like: Daily urban system Functional urban region Nodal region Local labour market area Travel to Work Area (TTWA) etc. Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

5 Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg 05.04.2016
Input data (census) Employed ( ) Temporarily staying abroad (56 694) Living in Hungary ( ) Daily commuting ( ) Living and working in the same settlement ( ) Working in various settlements ( ) Commuting to other settlement ( ) Commuting to abroad (27 128) Practically in Hungary that figure does not only refer to daily commuters! Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

6 Other input data that help to validate the outputs of the model
Difficult to find other statistical information which is suitable to validate the model from an external point of view. (There are no other information available at this spatial level which can describe the local labour markets (like wages, job vacancy, employment of local units etc.).) So we have to observe and evaluate the outputs from an internal point of view (based on commuting data). BUT we are capable of linking some other information to these data. Accessibility (by car or by public transport) Direction of commuting flows Population Area Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

7 Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg 05.04.2016
Test criteria Size (population, area, employment) Accessibility Central places (none, one or more), inner flows Commuting flows outward from the LMAs Commuting flows of the settlements from the reserve list Enclaves, exclaves Border effects Settlements without commuting links Relations between LMAs and the local geographical characteristics (differences between various morphological areas eg. plains, highlands etc.) Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

8 Comparing the outcomes
In order to understand the function of the model (used) and its outcomes, it is essential to compare them with the outcomes other methods. The following methods are planned to use: SMART method LLS method CONCOR analysis Clique Percolation Method (CPM) CURDS method Louvain algorythm We also plan to compare the outcomes of EURO method with the existing administrative units like: LAU1 units Service area of employment centers Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

9 First results of the sensitivity analysis on raw data
MINSZ MINSC TARSZ TARSC LMA_NO AVSZ MAXSZ 500 0,667 10000 0,75 175 542 21 296 1000 159 1 029 23 452 2000 142 2 066 26 280 3000 125 3 004 29 883 12500 154 24 219 15000 150 24 869 17500 149 25 037 20000 148 25 207 0,5 262 1 013 14 197 208 17 901 0,8 188 19 815 0,85 174 1 232 21 419 133 28 072 120 31 139 114 32 792 98 38 201 0,7 128 29 177 2500 111 2 704 33 686 5000 92 5 582 40 720 7500 84 7 825 44 644 Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

10 Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg 05.04.2016
First results of the sensitivity analysis on raw data (minsz: 1000; tsz:10000; minsc: 0,5 ;tsc: 0,667) Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

11 Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg 05.04.2016
First results of the sensitivity analysis on raw data (minsz: 1000; tsz:10000; minsc: 0,667 ;tsc: 0,75) Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

12 Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg 05.04.2016
First results of the sensitivity analysis on raw data (minsz: 1000; tsz:10000; minsc: 0,7 ;tsc: 0,8) Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

13 Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg 05.04.2016
First results of the sensitivity analysis on raw data (minsz: 3000; tsz:10000; minsc: 0,667 ;tsc: 0,75) Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

Kezán András Kick-off meeting on Labour Market Areas, Luxembourg

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