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Taking “PAPER” out of Sri Lanka’s “PAPERLESS” Trade: Accepting e-Documents/e-Signatures 12th October 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking “PAPER” out of Sri Lanka’s “PAPERLESS” Trade: Accepting e-Documents/e-Signatures 12th October 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking “PAPER” out of Sri Lanka’s “PAPERLESS” Trade: Accepting e-Documents/e-Signatures
12th October 2016

2 Paperless Trade Experience of Sri Lanka:
Two decades of effort with limited success ASYCUDA 1992 SL Customs Single Window 2016 SLENS 1997 SLACCS 2002 Sri Lankan EDI Network Services Private Ltd (SLENS) Sri Lanka Automated Cargo Clearance System (SLACCS) ASYCUDA World 2010 National EDI Committee 1995 ETA 2006 Single Window Blueprint ASYCUDA ++ 1998

3 What prevents acceptance of e-Docs? Non recognition of e-Signatures
Paperless Trade Experience of Sri Lanka: Two decades of effort with limited success What prevents acceptance of e-Docs? Non recognition of e-Signatures

4 E-Documents and E-Signatures
The benefits Time  Service Quality  Visibility/Tracking  Cost  Predictability  Traceability/Security  Manufacturing, Trade & Logistics Competitiveness

5 Sri Lanka’s digital economy aspirations
e-Signatures/e-Docs: A prerequisite e-Signatures e-Documents e-Government Digital Economy E-Signatures are required to authenticate E-documents E-documents are necessary for online transactions E-government entails a number of government services provided as online transactions A mature E-government enables the entire economy to be digitalised.

6 e-Signatures/e-Documents
None acceptance of e-Signatures/e-Documents Leaves PAPER in PAPERLESS trade

7 E-Signatures: What prevents acceptance? Capacity?
Intuitional Framework? Initative? Legal Framework?

8 Legal Framework? The Law has been in place for 10 years!
ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS ACT, No. 19 OF 2006 Allows acceptance of all forms of E-Signatures Supersedes all other laws in Sri Lanka Public institutions given free reign to propose guidelines. Based on the UNICTRAL model

9 Institutional Framework:
What’s missing? INITIATIVE Guidelines to government agencies, can help Issued under the current law Based on the UNICTRAL model At the National Level By the Ministry of Telecommunication & Digital Infrastructure At Ministry Level Can request

10 Issued the guidelines 6 years ago!
Govt. of India Issued the guidelines 6 years ago! Based on the UNICTRAL model

11 To realise National Economic Policy Objectives
e-Signatures/e-Docs: A prerequisite Economic Policy Agenda of the Government Plug into Global Value Chains Enhance export competitiveness Encourage export oriented FDI Maritime Logistics Hub

12 International Competitiveness of Sri Lankan products & services
The delay is costly! International Competitiveness of Sri Lankan products & services

13 How does Sri Lanka perform?
2012: 73 2014: 84 2016: 103 : 65 : 73 : 68 Global Competitiveness Index The Enabling Trade Index 136 countries ranked 140 countries ranked Sources: The Global Enabling Trade Report, World Economic Forum, Multiple Years Doing Business Report, World Bank Group, Multiple Years The Global Competitiveness Report, World Economic Forum, Multiple Years 2014: 51 2015: 69 2016: 90 2014: 85 2015: 99 2016: 107 Trading Across Borders, Ease of Doing Business Index Ease of Doing Business Index 189 countries ranked 189 countries ranked

14 Documentary Compliance
International Competitiveness of Sri Lanka Lagging behind Documentary Compliance Singapore Malaysia UAE Oman India Pakistan Sri Lanka To Export (Hours) 4 10 6 31 61 62 76 To Import (Hours) 1 37 24 67 153 58 Source: Doing Business Index 2016 – World Bank

15 Nishan de Mel, Verité Research, LBR LBO Sri Lanka Economic Outlook handout on "Outlook for Sri Lanka" December 2014 Thank you © Verité Research 2016 © Verité Research 2016

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