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Please note the music for this is Veni Sancte Spiritus from Taize

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Presentation on theme: "Please note the music for this is Veni Sancte Spiritus from Taize"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please note the music for this is Veni Sancte Spiritus from Taize

2 Veni Sancte Spiritus

3 Come Holy Spirit

4 Come into my life

5 That I may live for You

6 Come Holy Spirit I was hungry and thirsty and you fed me, gave me life

7 Come Holy Spirit I was Hungry for hope And you didn’t walk away

8 I was hungry for friendship And you were there
I was hungry for acceptance even though I’d failed and you understood

9 Come Holy Spirit I was a stranger and you welcomed me

10 I was different but you believed in me
Always angry but you saw why and came to help

11 I was sick and you visited me
Sick of pressure and you found a way to help

12 I was in prison and you visited me
A prison of loneliness and you reached out

13 A prison of depression and you helped others understand
A prison because I failed But you gave new belief in myself

14 Come Holy Spirit Into our broken world

15 According to IBC there were 17,578 civilian deaths through violence in Iraq in 2016

16 Come into our broken lives

17 Come Holy Spirit Come into my life that I may be a peacemaker

18 Come Holy Spirit

19 Come Holy Spirit That I may serve others


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