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The Kingdom of God in Luke

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1 The Kingdom of God in Luke
Jesus’ teachings on the Kingdom through parables

2 1. The Parable of the Sower
Who will enter the Kingdom? “those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”

3 2. Jesus and Beelzebul Jesus casts out a demon, and most of the crowds marvel, but Some accuse him of driving out demons by the power of Satan himself (dealt with in 11:17-28) Others ask for a sign from heaven (dealt with in 11:29-32) He answers the accusation of casting out demons by the power of Satan in three ways: (11:17-22) If Satan were attacking his own forces, he would soon defeat himself. Jewish exorcists (of whom his opponents approved) would be subject to the same criticism. Jesus casts out demons by overpowering Satan who is oppressing the person. Then he states emphatically that there is no place for neutrality in the war against Satan (11:23-28) Those who don't gather with Jesus, scatter Unless the "house" of an exorcised person is inhabited and guarded, it will fall to demonic forces again.

4 V29-30 What happened to Jonah? How is this like Jesus?

5 3. The Narrow Door Only a few people will enter the Kingdom
Many people who assume they will get in, won’t. Could be referring to Jews who believe they are God’s chosen people, but Jesus is saying this isn’t enough. Don’t assume they’ll get in just because they’re Jewish. Others who they wouldn’t expect (maybe Gentiles?) will get in instead (first and last)

6 4. The Parable of the Great Banquet
Again, many Jews (especially at the table who prompted the parable), expected that they would be in the Kingdom. Jesus says they ignored him or didn’t accept his invitation (ie. The rich, Pharisees etc, didn’t follow Jesus’ teachings). But others, who they (the Pharisees) condemned as unclean and sinners, would enter the Kingdom.

7 5. The Coming of the Kingdom of God
V21 – it’s already here. V25 – Jesus must suffer first V26 – mentioning Noah – what does this suggest? V37 – “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.” Vultures were very common in that area, and gathered around wherever there was a dead animal. This could mean wherever there is immorality and corruption, that’s where judgement will take place. So, people everywhere need to be ready for when the day comes.

8 6. The rich and the Kingdom of God
Simple interpretation – impossible for rich to get in. This seems unbelievable – v26 “who then can be saved?” How are they supposed to live if they have no money? Jesus answers that it is possible. Don’t worry about money, just follow Jesus and you’ll be ok.


10 7. The Parable of the Ten Minas
Minas are coins The man in Jesus and the servants are his followers (Christians) The Kingdom won’t happen straightaway. The King will be absent for a while first and will then return. It’s about how we use our talents and time till he returns to begin the Kingdom. If we don’t make the most of them, we won’t be allowed in.

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