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Talk at any point during the quiz you will get a zero

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1 Talk at any point during the quiz you will get a zero
Talk at any point during the quiz you will get a zero! Even if you’re done or don't have a quiz in front of you turn in Roots 1 (place it in proper basket) Set up for the Roots 1 Quiz: PRIVACY BOARD PENCIL AND PEN Roots 2/BOOK TO READ WHEN DONE When done turn quiz over (facing down) NO WARM UP TODAY! You will need to…


3 pan = all panacea = (NOUN) a cure-all

4 PAN = ALL pandemonium = (NOUN) total confusion, uproar

5 omni = all omnivorous = (ADJ) eating both vegetable and meat

6 omni = all omnipotent = (ADJ) all-powerful

7 dis = take away, not disinherit = (VERB) to deprive of an inheritance

8 graph = writing calligraphy = (NOUN) the art of fine hand writing

9 geology = (NOUN) study of the earth
geo = earth geology = (NOUN) study of the earth

10 super = over, above supercilious = (ADJ) arrogant, with an air of superiority

11 Super = above, over superlative = (ADJECTIVE) of the highest order, degree or quality

12 SUPER = over, above superlative = (ADJECTIVE) of the highest order, degree or quality

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