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Basic Drilling Operations (Code: AD01)

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1 Basic Drilling Operations (Code: AD01)
T e c h n i c a l P e t r o l e u m T r a i n in g I n s t i t u t e Basic Drilling Operations (Code: AD01) This course is conducted in Thai Course Objective : The course introduces the history of Thailand upstream Oil & Gas industry, starting from concession area, Thailand Petroleum Laws, Exploration, Drilling and Production process. The details of Royalties, Taxes, Join development area and other related to E & P activities. On the operation sides, participants will be able to gain knowledge on exploration activities/process, Drilling and Production operations, Petroleum transportation, Petroleum Product utilizations. This course is aimed and designed for new-comers in related Oil & Gas disciplines both in upstream and downstream careers, in order to have some exposures in this industry. Course Schedule 29-31 May 2017 Registration Fee : ฿ 23,900 This fee does not include 7% VAT, accommodation, and transportation, but include 2 break and a lunch during the session day, instruction and instructional materials. Class Size Minimum Maximum 30 Venue TPTI Bangkok Course Outline : (Day 1) Lunch Rig Types and Rig Components Drill Bits and Drill Bit Technology (Bit types, Cutter mechanism, Bit nomenclature, Bit IADC code, Bit selection, Bit dull grading, Bit performance and analysis) Directional Drilling(general directional well types and its applications, directional drilling tools, directional survey tools, directional drilling methods, monitoring and control well trajectory, tool face orientation and correction, directional survey calculations, directional well plotting) (Day 2) Lunch Bottom Hole Assemblies for Directional Drilling Pipe Bending, Buckling, Fatigue, Neutral point, Torque and Drag, Azimuth Declination and Convergence Horizontal Drilling, Multilateral tie-back systems and new innovative techniques Casing(types & functions), Basic Design and Design criteria (Day 3) Lunch Basic cementing(classification, additives and functions), Casing cementing Drilling fluids (classification, additives and treatments) Drilling costs and drilling cost controls. Payment/Cancellation The fee should be made in Thai Baht and payable to : Technical Petroleum Training Institute Account No: or Swift Code: SICOTHBK at Siam Commercial Bank Ltd., Ramatibadee Branch. The cancellation must be made and received by TPTI 14 days or more prior to the course. One half of the registration fee must be paid by those registrants who cancel less than 14 days before the program. Technical Petroleum Training Institute : Head Office Energy Complex Building B 555/2 11th Floor, Vibhavadi-Rangsit, Chatuchak, Bangkok Thailand Tel: , Fax : Technical Petroleum Training Institute : Training Center

2 T e c h n i c a l P e t r o l e u m T r a i n in g I n s t i t u t e
1. REGISTRATION FEES : ฿ 23,900 Registration Form This fee includes 2 breaks and a lunch during the session days, instruction, and instructional materials, but does not include 7% VAT, accommodation and transportation. Venue TPTI Bangkok Basic Drilling Operations – Thai Version - 29-31 May 2017 2. Enrollment Information : (Please print clearly.) First Name ( Mr / Ms / Mrs ) : Citizen / Passport / Card ID : Position : Approving Manager : Company : Address : Nature of Business : Tel : Fax : Signature: Date: 3. Payment Method : By cross cheque or bank draft payable to Technical Petroleum Training Institute Mail your payment with this registration form to TPTI. Enclosed is the cheque / draft for Baht By Address : Technical Petroleum Training Institute Energy Complex Building B 555/2 11th Floor, Vibhavadi-Rangsit, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Wire transfer into the account ofTechnical Petroleum Training Institute Bank Name : Siam Commercial Bank Ltd., Branch : Ramatibadee Account No: or Swift Code: SICOTHBK 4. THREE EASY WAYS TO REGISTER : FAX: POST: Complete and return your form to: Petroleum Training Institute Energy Complex Building B 555/2 11th Floor, Vibhavadi-Rangsit, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Tel: Technical Petroleum Training Institute : Head Office Energy Complex Building B 555/2 11th Floor, Vibhavadi-Rangsit, Chatuchak, Bangkok Thailand Tel: , Fax : Technical Petroleum Training Institute : Training Center Tel: , Fax :

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