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SAICM Chemicals in Products Project

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1 SAICM Chemicals in Products Project
ICCM2 – May, 2009 Resolution to implement a project on Chemicals in Products By Olga Speranskaya, IPEN CoChair

2 Chemicals in products-case studies
investigate the use and needs for chemicals-related information in: Building products Electronics Toys Textiles

3 Chemicals in products-time schedule
October - background research and the surveys or questionnaires that will be used for the data-gathering from the stakeholders November – face-to-face interviews 15 November - advance drafts of four case studies By 1 December - Draft final reports of the case studies are to be ready. 9-10 December - The results of the case studies are to be considered at a Cross-sectoral Experts Meeting 14-18 March International Workshop (identify elements for the recommendations to be forwarded to OEWG and eventually ICCM3

4 CiP objectives are to identify:
to what extent existing information systems on chemicals in products meet the information needs of stakeholders to manage/minimize chemical risks, the gaps between what information exists and what is desired/needed by stakeholders, obstacles in overcoming these gaps, and potential solutions for providing/accessing information.

5 QUESTIONS What are the stakeholder needs and uses of chemicals in products (CiP) information? Referring to the needs and uses of CiP information, where are the needs met and where do gaps exist? What are the gaps and obstacles in chemicals information exchange? Is there information that is exchanged in one part of the product life cycle and which is potentially useful but not exchanged with or available to stakeholders in another part of the cycle?

6 QUESTIONS What are the capacity needs of the stakeholder groups to access the information and to accomplish the desired uses of information? What are the potential ways to address the gaps and obstacles? What mechanisms may help to overcome identified obstacles? What are the major steps to advancing the development of these mechanisms? Are there information systems which function in certain regions but not in others (e.g., in the developed and developing country context) and what is the potential to replicate the exchange in regions where it does not exist?

7 Questions Are there any workshops or training that could be useful to stakeholders? Any additional thoughts, considerations, recommendations, or information not included above that you consider important and relevant. 

8 Toys DEKRA Industrial GmbH Electronics Chemsec Building products University of Tennessee – Knoxville Textiles United Nations Environment Programme Chemicals Branch,

9 Recommendations Minimum chemical data that different sectors might want: the common areas of chemical information the areas where different sectors require different kinds of data statement to be used when communicating with suppliers, including a description of the need for chemical data, specific examples of how the data is being used, and details on the types of chemical data that companies are seeking.

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