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Other roles of the researcher

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1 Other roles of the researcher
Drama in the Dreamland… ;) Dreamland:

2 Frankie This is Frankie.
_______________________________________________ Frankie: Copywrite Castle-com (deviantart)

3 Ph. D. Frankie Department of Dragons and Princesses Uppsala University
Dreamland He just got accepted to start his PhD in the Department of Dragons and Princesses at Uppsala University, in Dreamland and he is very excited about it! He always wanted to work with _______________________________________________ Frankie: Copywrite Castle-com (deviantart) Books: Copywrite nikiteev_konstantin Dragon: Copywrite sidneyeileen (deviantart)

4 Ph. D. Frankie Prof. Prince Charming
Department of Dragons and Princesses Uppsala University Dreamland Prof. Prince Charming who is a leading scientist in the field of _______________________________________________ Frankie: Copywrite Castle-com (deviantart) Prince Charming: Copywrite Sono Books: Copywrite nikiteev_konstantin Dragon: Copywrite sidneyeileen (deviantart)

5 Ph. D. Frankie Prof. Prince Charming
Department of Dragons and Princesses Uppsala University Dreamland Fairytale Image Mirroring. Already, since his first days in the department he realized that Prof. Prince Charming is not only very charming, but also an approachable and friendly supervisor. Frankie becomes very close friends with his supervisor and not only do they have a very good work relationship, they also often hang out outside of work. _______________________________________________ Frankie: Copywrite Castle-com (deviantart) Prince Charming: Copywrite Sono Books: Copywrite nikiteev_konstantin Dragon: Copywrite sidneyeileen (deviantart) Fairytale Mirror: Field of Fairytale Mirror Imaging

6 Time passed and at one point Frankie started to feel that the whole situation is becoming just
_______________________________________ Moving: Copywrite Carrying boxes: Copywrite Lyricsai Thinking Frankie: Copywrite Khem Art (deviantart)

7 -Many personal favours -Sometimes feeling “used”
-Too friendly -Many personal favours -Sometimes feeling “used” just a bit too friendly _______________________________________ Moving: Copywrite Carrying boxes: Copywrite Lyricsai Thinking Frankie: Copywrite Khem Art (deviantart)

8 -Many personal favours -Sometimes feeling “used”
-Too friendly -Many personal favours -Sometimes feeling “used” with too many personal favors asked by the supervisor. _______________________________________ Moving: Copywrite Carrying boxes: Copywrite Lyricsai Thinking Frankie: Copywrite Khem Art (deviantart)

9 -Many personal favours -Sometimes feeling “used”
-Too friendly -Many personal favours -Sometimes feeling “used” This made him feel a bit “used” at times _______________________________________ Moving: Copywrite Carrying boxes: Copywrite Lyricsai Thinking Frankie: Copywrite Khem Art (deviantart)

10 How to say NO? -Too friendly -Many personal favours
-Sometimes feeling “used” like that Friday that he end up helping his supervisor with moving to his apartment. He felt that he wanted to say no, but he wasn’t sure how to refuse without making the whole situation awkward. _______________________________________ Moving: Copywrite Carrying boxes: Copywrite Lyricsai Thinking Frankie: Copywrite Khem Art (deviantart)

11 Challenging authorities is not appropriate where Frankie comes from
Since Frankie comes from a cultural background that challenging authorities is not appropriate he decided to discuss this with his co-workers to get a different opinion. He learned that the same situation happened with other students in the past. The students that stopped engaging themselves in non-work related chats and activities, received a very bad attitude from the supervisor _______________________________________________ Group bottom right: Copywrite Freya-Chii (deviantart) Lab meeting: Copywrite Group in the cloud: Copywrite designfgb ( Sad student: Coppywrite CorruptedMemories (deviantart)

12 Challenging authorities is not appropriate where Frankie comes from
Such as being ignored at lab meetings _______________________________________________ Group bottom right: Copywrite Freya-Chii (deviantart) Lab meeting: Copywrite Group in the cloud: Copywrite designfgb ( Sad student: Coppywrite CorruptedMemories (deviantart) Being ignored at lab meetings Receive feedback/comments very delayed, while other are prioritized ...

13 Challenging authorities is not appropriate where Frankie comes from
receiving feedback/comments on their work with really long delays, while others were prioritized. _______________________________________________ Group bottom right: Copywrite Freya-Chii (deviantart) Lab meeting: Copywrite Group in the cloud: Copywrite designfgb ( Sad student: Coppywrite CorruptedMemories (deviantart) Being ignored at lab meetings Receive feedback/comments very delayed, while other are prioritized ...

14 … Challenging authorities is not appropriate where Frankie comes from
And so on… _______________________________________________ Group bottom right: Copywrite Freya-Chii (deviantart) Lab meeting: Copywrite Group in the cloud: Copywrite designfgb ( Sad student: Coppywrite CorruptedMemories (deviantart) Being ignored at lab meetings Receive feedback/comments very delayed, while other are prioritized ...

15 What should Frankie do? He risks loosing the favoritism from his supervisor, but Frankie feels the supervisor is taking advantage of his position… This troubled Frankie as he now will risks loosing the favoritism from Prof. Charming, but he feels that his supervisor is taking advantage of his position. ________________ Sad Frankie: Copywrite Arsh ( Questionmark: Copywrite (

16 Group Discussion: Possible Solutions
-Frankie comes from a cultural background were one normally never challenges authorities -Prof. Charming wants a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, but does it only on his terms (violating the privacy of his colleagues) -Frankie feels “used” and uncomfortable -What should Frankie do? We were now thinking of splitting into groups and discuss what Frankie could do, given that he comes from a cultural background that one normally never challenges authorities, that Prof. Charming wants a relaxed and friendly atmosphere but does it only on his terms (violating the privacy of his colleagues) and that Frankie feels “used” and uncomfortable with the situation. So lets discuss for 5 mins what should Frankie do? __________________________ Group: Copywrite Macrovector (

17 Possible solutions Do nothing Do something Confront the supervisor
Go around or above the supervisor to e.g. The prefect The student director The student union Here after the discussion of the groups we should mention the three different solutions and stress a bit the third, as many people might not know their possibilities in a similar situation. For example talk with their second supervisors Talk directly with the Prefect Talk to your educational director Talk to the student Union Change supervisor… etc etc What are the possibilities here??

18 Depends on the cultural background of Frankie
Do nothing Confront supervisor Tell the prefect Career Likely the best chance to get good recommendations etc. Might have a negative effect (not getting letter of recommendation…) Depends on the prefects reaction… Friendship/Approval Maintains the approval of the supervisor but what kind of friendship is it really? Friendship ends Friendship ends as well as going behind the back of the supervisor Confidence/Courage Lowers confidence Depends on the outcome of the confrontation If the prefect is supportive, it could give a boost of confidence Happiness/Well-being Depends on the cultural background of Frankie Unhappy, nothing will change Short term unhappy (due to confrontation) but possibly happy in the long run Depends on the reaction of the prefect… Atmosphere of the group Status quo Likely bad short term due to conflicts but could improve if it leads to change Likely bad short term due to conflicts but could improve if it leads to change We took these three possible Solutions and some Values we considered important and tried to think of the effect of each Solution in each of these Values

19 Depends on the cultural background of Frankie
Do nothing Confront supervisor Tell the prefect Career Likely the best chance to get good recommendations etc. Might have a negative effect (not getting letter of recommendation…) Depends on the prefects reaction… Friendship/Approval Maintains the approval of the supervisor but what kind of friendship is it really? Friendship ends Friendship ends as well as going behind the back of the supervisor Confidence/Courage Lowers confidence Depends on the outcome of the confrontation If the prefect is supportive, it could give a boost of confidence Happiness/Wellbeing Depends on the cultural background of Frankie Unhappy, nothing will change Short term unhappy (due to confrontation) but possibly happy in the long run Depends on the reaction of the prefect… Atmosphere of the group Status quo Likely bad short term due to conflicts but could improve if it leads to change Likely bad short term due to conflicts but could improve if it leads to change Images from Clip Art

20 Remember, as a PhD student
It is almost impossible to kick out a PhD student that has been accepted to the program You have a lot of rights but do not abuse them!! In the worst (best?) case scenario you have to get a new supervisor

21 Further discussion We are different with what we tolerate.
What if the supervisor abuses his authority even more and acts even more unprofessional towards the students that don’t do what he/she says? Promoting favored students ahead on publications (put their names first) Gossip and talk bad about their unfavorable students Refuse to give recommendation letter to a very good but unfavorable student We are different with what we tolerate. How much does the cultural background of Frankie affect his judgment? How would another student that cares only for his/her best interest act? Is it ok to force yourself not to do anything in order not to get into conflicts? Is it ok to “sacrifice” oneself to try to make a change? Pushing your ethical boundaries

22 Further discussion We are different with what we tolerate.
What if the supervisor abuses his authority even more and acts even more unprofessional towards the students that don’t do what he/she says? Promoting favored students ahead on publications (put their names first) Gossip and talk bad about their unfavorable students Refuse to give recommendation letter to a very good but unfavorable student We are different with what we tolerate. How much does the cultural background of Frankie affect his judgment? How would another student that cares only for his/her best interest act? Is it ok to force yourself not to do anything in order not to get into conflicts? Is it ok to “sacrifice” oneself to try to make a change? Pushing your ethical boundaries

23 Thank you!

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