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Chapter 6 Public Opinion

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1 Chapter 6 Public Opinion

2 Public Opinion Traditionally, the distribution of the population’s beliefs about politics and policy issues. In a democracy, the government needs to gauge public opinion to determine the course of action it should take.

3 Two Properties of Public Opinion
Direction Intensity

4 Census A tool for understanding our population. Taken every ten years.
Last one was in 2010.

5 Political Culture The array of attitudes, beliefs, preferences and values that citizens hold about a government and its legitimacy.

6 Regional Shifts In 1911, the House of Representatives set at 435 members. As population moves around and grows, Congress has to be reapportioned. Sometimes gerrymandering occurs.


8 Regional Party Identification
Democrat Industrial NE Midatlantic West Coast Republican South Sunbelt Rocky Mountain Midwest

9 Gerrymandering Redistricting in a way so as to favor one party.

10 Political Socialization
How most children learn about politics Primary social agent: family Secondary social agent: Friends Teachers Clergy Media Tremendous effect on the perpetuation of the two-party system The reality is that children internalize what they hear and see within their family unit

11 Political Socialization (cont.)
Begin learning around teenage years Will identify with a party based on what is heard at home Mother and Father both Democrats, 65% of children become Democrats Mother and Father both Republicans, 70% of children become Republicans

12 Political Socialization (cont.)
If Mother and Father are of different parties, then what matters? Closeness Which parent cares more about politics? Secondary Apathetic Caregiver More tend to choose the Mother’s party

13 Sample Relatively small proportion of people who are chosen in a survey so as to be representative of the whole.

14 Random Sample The key technique employed by sophisticated survey researchers, which operates on the principle that everyone should have equal probability of being selected for the sample.

15 Sampling Error The level of confidence in the findings of a public opinion poll. The more people interviewed, the more confident one can be of the results.

16 Random digit dialing A technique used by pollsters to place telephone calls randomly to both listed and unlisted numbers when conducting a survey.

17 Exit Polls After leaving the precinct, voters are asked for whom they voted This is one of the most accurate predictions of election outcomes

18 Ideology A coherent set of beliefs about politics, public policy, and public purpose. It helps give meaning to political events, personalities, and policies.

19 Democrats Republicans
liberals Democrats Change conservatives Republicans Status- Quo

20 Ideological Positions
conservatives Pro-Life Pro-Privatization Marriage is between a man and a women Pro – Prayer in Schools Pro – Tax Cuts Pull yourself up by your bootstraps liberals Pro-Choice Pro- Public Institutions Pro – Gay Marriage Anti – Prayer in Schools Pro – Public Program Pro – Welfare benefits

21 Gender Gap The idea that women tend to be more liberal than men, and thus vote more for Democrats than men. NOT TOTALLY TRUE!!!!!!!! SINGLE WOMEN tend to be more liberal than most men, but MARRIED WOMEN tend to vote in patterns similar to men. Overall, women turn out to vote in higher numbers than men turn out.

22 Political Participation
Most Americans don’t participate in most political activities Where Americans participate most is in voting (still very low) Participation varies among Americans based on socio-economic characteristics

23 Political Participation (cont.)
The more educated, the more likely you are to participate Higher income Higher Social Class Is this a problem for democracy? Why?

24 Types of Participation
Voting Protest Campaign work Running for office Working as a staffer for a politician Lobbying the government Donating money to a political cause

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