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Activator 12/16 Grab a sheet from the front

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1 Activator 12/16 Grab a sheet from the front
What are some of your closing thoughts on The Glass Castle? What were some things that you liked about the book and some things that you didn’t like about the book?

2 Instructions for Discussion
Phase 1- Read each of the six questions and jot down some initial thoughts on each one. You do not need to write complete sentences, just brainstorm. You will have about 10 minutes for this first phase. Phase 2- Think/Pair/Share – At my signal, please turn to a partner and share your responses to each question, taking turns to speak at each question. Please do this methodically, making sure that each person speaks in turn. Feel free to add to your notes. Phase 3- Finally, each student will pick any four of these questions and respond meaningfully to each one on a separate sheet of paper

3 Rules for the Shared Inquiry
We will start off by having a student ask a question from either the dialectical journals or the closing discussion questions. Every student has to speak at least twice and no more than 4 times. The person responding can answer the question and then call on someone else that wants to add on to the answer. You may also ask probing questions. When the discussion for the original question is complete, another question can be asked. When calling on people to answer, be sure to give priority to the students that haven’t participated yet.

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