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Petra Lyons 3rd Block February 27, 2013

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1 Petra Lyons 3rd Block February 27, 2013
Week 1 Vocab.

2 Affable (Adj.) Friendly, amiable

3 Aloof (Adj.) Reserved; Distant

4 Altruistic (Adj) Unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others

5 Ambiguous (Adj) unclear in meaning confusing; capable of being interpreted in different ways

6 Audacity (n) Boldness, neckless, daring, impertinence

7 Austere (Adj.) Very bare; Bleak

8 Bias (n.) A tendency , an Inclination, Prejudice

9 Bivouac (n) A temporary encampment especially of soldiers.

10 Brandish (v.) To wave or display threateningly

11 Bravado (n) A false show of bravery of defiance

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