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Warm-Up Do NOT use your Book! From memory ONLY!

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up Do NOT use your Book! From memory ONLY!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up Do NOT use your Book! From memory ONLY!
List the 4 New England Colonies List the 4 Middle Colonies List the 5 Southern Colonies

2 Umbrella Question- Mercantilism and Triangle of Trade
Describe Mercantilism and the Triangle of Trade. Then explain how they influenced the colonization of the New World. Copy this Umbrella Question into your binder.

3 Mercantilism

4 Timber Tobacco Fur Machines Tools Furniture

5 mercantilism An economic theory that a nation became strong by keeping strict control over its trade. According to the theory of mercantilism, a country should export more than it imports.

6 Timber Tobacco Fur Machines Tools Furniture

7 mercantilism According to mercantilist beliefs, the mother country should encourage trade with her colonies but should prohibit trade between her colonies and other countries.

8 Textiles STOP! Navigation Acts France Cotton

9 Import: goods brought into a country
Export: goods sent to markets outside a country

10 mercantilism According mercantilist beliefs, the mother country’s exports should be greater than her imports. This would cause gold to flow into the mother country as payment for those exports.

11 What were the Navigation Acts?
The Navigation Acts were laws that regulated colonial trade so that England could become richer.

12 What were the Navigation Acts?
The Navigation Acts were laws that regulated colonial trade so that England could become richer. Colonies could only use colonial or English ships for shipping their goods.

13 What were the Navigation Acts?
The Navigation Acts were laws that regulated colonial trade so that England could become richer. Colonies could only use colonial or English ships for shipping their goods. Key colonial products, such as tobacco and cotton, could only be traded to England.

14 The Navigation Acts Positives:
Colonists were encouraged to build ships. English workers got jobs rolling tobacco and spinning cotton into cloth. Negatives:

15 Free Enterprise Economic competition with little government control
Free enterprise conflicts with mercantilist beliefs because it encourages competition and discourages government regulation of exports and imports.

16 Mercantilism Positives for the Colonies Negatives for the Colonies
Guaranteed partner in trade (buy and sell) with (England) Only allowed to trade with England Might not get the best price Might not be able to buy the best products

17 Triangle of Trade

18 Cotton, Tobacco, Sugar, Molasses
Europe- England Manufactured Goods Example: Clothes, Tools, Guns Cotton, Tobacco, Sugar, Molasses Triangle of Trade North America West Africa Slaves

19 Balance of Trade Country could be self-sufficient
Fewer imports than exports Navigation Acts

20 Roving Paragraph How did Mercantilism affect the British colonies?
Who did it benefit? Who did it hurt? Why did Britain have such a policy?

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