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Media Communication Richard Trombly Contact :

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1 Media Communication Richard Trombly Contact :
Wechat and phone: Media Communication

2 Ethnomethodology Ethno – means people

3 Ethnomethodology Ethno – means people
Ethnomethodology is based on the premise that human interaction takes place within a consensus [agreement], and “normal' interaction is not possible without this consensus.

4 Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology is something we are all doing all the time even if not in a formal research manner

5 Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology involves a theoretical approach in sociology based on the belief that you can discover the normal social order of a society by disrupting it. Ethnomethodologists often deliberately disrupt social norms to see how people respond and how they try to restore social order

6 Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology believes you can discover the “normal” by disrupting it. COMEDIANS DO IT ALL THE TIME Ethnomethodologists see how people respond and how they try to restore social order Prisoners – what do they miss. Expatriates – in a new culture can define their own

7 Ethnomethodology In society, we have “rules of engagement”
Certain patterns for how we interact in certain situations

8 Ethnomethodology Prejudice and racism then stems from this way in we construct our social order. In part it is the discomfort of people that are not in our tribe, our culture. “We do it this way, those people do it that way. “

9 Ethnomethodology The rules of etiquette
Are a codified and even written down way of describing rules for a certain class of people Like imperial China British upper class society Commoners / nongminggong

10 Ethnomethodology Like imperial China British upper class society
Not everyone will follow the etiquette of a group . That makes them outsiders “Commoners” / [nongminggong?] are not expected to follow social customs. But they are also excluded from that society defining “social customs”

11 Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology research focuses on the way people,
as rational actors, make sense of their everyday world by employing practical reasoning rather than formal logic With natural reasoning people construct meaning to things in everyday life

12 Ethnomethodology Rational - based on facts or reason and not on emotions or feelings. having the ability to reason or think about things clearly WE RATIONALIZE things Social actors adopt different roles and different frameworks of meaning in different situations and in so doing construct a variety of rationalities for different situations.

13 Ethnomethodology We try to make order in our society and to make sense of our interactions When we are outside of our own order, We find discomfort We try to create a comfortable order and rationality. To do so, we will change our behavior based on situation

14 Ethnomethodology If a muslim person came in the room during talk about 9/11 or paris bombing we might change our conversation We might self-censor our words

15 Ethnomethodology Some researchers are fixated on avoiding conflict and fear or anxiety The opposite of constructing postitive relation is Avoiding conflict

16 Ethnomethodology Speech and conversation is one of the easiest things for researchers to use to get to ethnomethodology. Because speech is a behavior that we can easily witness. Much else that defines everyday life is invisible.

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