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Theme 1.2a: Summary of Presentation

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1 Theme 1.2a: Summary of Presentation
eGovernment eDemocracy is a natural part of the eGovernment strategy of putting the citizen in the centre of government. e-services to European citizens & enterprises new technologies can facilitate, broaden and deepen democratic participation what is required at the European level on-line public consultation adoption of common technical standards eDemocracy is one means of helping to address the democratic deficit and is a natural part of the eGovernment strategy of putting the citizen in the centre of government, First of all it can facilitate citizens’ participation in the democratic process, by making it easier for citizens to access public information, follow the political process, discuss and form groups on political issues, scrutinise government and vote in elections. Technology can also broaden citizens’ participation by opening up new channels for democratic communication to encourage involvement from people who may, in the past, have felt excluded from the democratic process or unable to participate. Technology can also have the potential to deepen democracy by creating a closer link between citizens and between citizens and their representatives. eDemocracy is not about replacing representative democracy with direct democracy, but strengthening the representative system by enabling decision-makers to access the views, knowledge and experiences of the people they represent. 13 June 2001 Theme 1.2a – e-democracy

2 Conclusions `well-informed citizen´ is essential
has information accessible to participate in early stages of policy process ICT is helping democratic participation making expression of views easier, and more information available, for citizens, lobbyists, journalists, etc e-democracy is happening... to governments not by governments, and causing problems to governments Top priority is for the institutions of the EU and MS governments to get information on-line, accessible, findable and readable. Without that, citizens of Europe cannot participate, if can´t get information or understand it even if they find it e.g. Transparency of legislative process Not something that IDA can do but could help with Technology is helping participation, by giving access to information, opening communications channels. Phones, internet,... And there are other key intermediaries But it is happening... floods e.g. FMD, discussion groups springing up on policy issues, associations forming on-line. Suppliers promoting electronic voting services, public & private organisations starting to use them. Governments aren´t driving this, rarely have policies, processes or resources to deal with them when they happen, so they cause problems. And seldom is there a way to respond to citizens or groups legitimately expressing views in this way. A gap to fill caused by the reality of e-democracy and unreadiness of institutions 13 June 2001 Theme 1.2a – e-democracy

3 Possible Actions consider system to replace CELEX to improve transparency of EU legislative decision process consider tools to structure and manage overload of s and discussions consider standards for tools & services that support voting/polling processes consider & promote standards for organising and searching for EU/MS information Not sure if IDA could legally, or necessarily should do these, but offer for consideration. Project to address the inaccessibility of the legislative process. CELEX existing database is very old, very difficult to use. Project to find something to help manage the desire of citizens to institutions directly with views or questions, especially in a crisis, or set up discussions, in a way that positively informs policy and is responsive Prepare the basis for a growing market and potential demand in the area of electronic voting – polling, referenda, public elections. Includes engaging in work on EML In the area of metadata and thesauruses where there is already work, what more to do to help EU & MS public information be available, organised and easily found. Not well-formed proposals, nor benefits fully clear, but message is to look at solutions to problems that are beginning to emerge 13 June 2001 Theme 1.2a – e-democracy

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