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OVERVIEW Strengthened partnerships for parental engagement

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Presentation on theme: "OVERVIEW Strengthened partnerships for parental engagement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent and Family Engagement in Schooling Matt Davies | Group Manager | Engagement and Wellbeing

2 OVERVIEW Strengthened partnerships for parental engagement
National Symposium – Engaging Parents and Families in Learning and School OVERVIEW Strengthened partnerships for parental engagement Initiatives influenced by the parent voice Our role in improving school outcomes through greater parent engagement

3 National Symposium – Engaging Parents and Families in Learning and School
“Parents, carers and families are the first and most important influence in a child’s life...partnerships between students, parents, carers and families, the broader community, business, schools and other education and training providers bring mutual benefits and maximise student engagement and achievement.” Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians 2008

4 Partnered Organisations
National Symposium – Engaging Parents and Families in Learning and School Partnered Organisations The Family-Schools Communities Partnership Bureau (FSCPB) The Australian Council of State School Organisations (ACSSO) The Australian Parents Council (APC)

5 DEEWR/ACSSO/APC Biannual Forums
National Symposium – Engaging Parents and Families in Learning and School DEEWR/ACSSO/APC Biannual Forums Ensures parents are involved and informed on current Government policy formulation and development Ensures Government is informed on latest research on parental engagement, and the current views of parents


7 National Symposium – Engaging Parents and Families in Learning and School
“The Government’s reform agenda across all aspects of schooling is ambitious – but achievable. Parental engagement is a vital element of that agenda”. The Hon Peter Garrett AM MP, Minister for School Education 9 September 2011


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