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(Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014)

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1 (Geneva, Switzerland, 15-16 September 2014)
ITU Workshop on “ICT Security Standardization for Developing Countries” (Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014) Session 2 End user security round table from both public and private sectors Chairman Koji Nakao Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

2 End user security round table from both public and private sectors
Objectives To identify key topics/requirements for ICT security A set of presentations that highlight “end user security” from each presenter’s perspective To explore the way to develop security standards in ITU-T A roundtable discussion on security requirements and/or security capabilities identfied from the end user’s view points including how to utilize security technologies/standards. Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

3 Presenters Abbie Barbir, MBNA Shiho Moriai, NICT
Slawomir Gorniak, ENISA Eileen Bridges, Aetna (remote presentation) Scott Streit, Hoyos Labs (remote presentation) Edward Humphreys, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 (WG1 Convenor) Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

4 Roundtable What do you see as the key topics/requirements for ICT security in your domain (sector)? Based on the key topics/requirements, how should we develop security standards in ITU-T with support from your domain (sector)? Which SDOs can you recommend us (ITU-T) to develop the standards jointly? Geneva, Switzerland, September 2014

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