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HIV, AIDS and the Immune System

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Presentation on theme: "HIV, AIDS and the Immune System"— Presentation transcript:

1 HIV, AIDS and the Immune System

2 Immune System Tissues, Organs and cells that protect the body from diseases Outer layers of protection Ear wax, Nose hair, tears, skin Inner layers of protection White blood cells seek out and destroy Antigens (diseases) B cells and T cells Keep your immune system healthy by Getting enough rest Eating healthy Washing your hands Good Hygiene

3 HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Invades white blood cells (t-cells) which are the fighters, they take over the cells to produce more of the virus and then destroy the t-cell Virus multiplies very quickly, t-cells are unable to catch up and destroy the virus Eventually your body becomes to weak to fight off any diseases

4 AIDS Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Diagnosed when your t-cell count is extremely low and your body is unable to fight off diseases About 37 million people are diagnosed with HIV/AIDS 3 million of which are children

5 Acquired HIV/AIDS is transmitted several different ways
Blood to Blood contact Your blood coming into contact with an infected persons blood Pregnant Mother to Unborn child Sharing Needles Other Bodily Fluids

6 Myths You CANNOT get HIV/AIDS by Hugging and infected person
Using a public bathroom or water fountain Holding hands with an infected person Playing a game or sport with an infected person

7 Prevention and Cure There is NO cure PREVENTION
Scientists are working on vaccines and there is medicine to take to help slow the disease down if you have it Many people with the disease are able to live active lives because of the medicine PREVENTION Don’t touch anyone’s blood Don’t pick up needles Don’t come in contact with anyone’s bodily fluids

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