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A Nation in Arms A. To save the republic from foreign nations, the Committee of Public Safety called for a universal mobilization in 1793. By September.

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Presentation on theme: "A Nation in Arms A. To save the republic from foreign nations, the Committee of Public Safety called for a universal mobilization in 1793. By September."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Nation in Arms A. To save the republic from foreign nations, the Committee of Public Safety called for a universal mobilization in 1793. By September 1794, France had an army of over 1 million. The army pushed the invading countries out of France.

2 B. France was able to defeat the invading
B. France was able to defeat the invading enemies, but Robespierre was obsessed with killing the National Convention’s enemies living in France. Many deputies of the National Convention feared Robespierre, and they executed him. Robespierre’s death ended the Reign of Terror.

3 The Directory A. The National Convention created a new constitution reflecting the desire for stability. The Constitution of 1795 established a legislative assembly of two chambers, the Council of 500 and the Council of Elders.

4 B. From a list presented by the. Council of 500, the Council of
B. From a list presented by the Council of 500, the Council of Elders elected five directors to act as the executive committee, or Directory.

5 C. The Directory had many political enemies.
In 1799 a coup d’etat – a sudden overthrow of the government – led by Napoleon Bonaparte toppled the Directory. Napoleon took power.

6 The Napoléonic Era Age of Napoléon
SECTION 4 The Napoléonic Era The Napoléonic Era Age of Napoléon

7 Chapter 12 Section 4 The Rise of Napoleon
A. Napoleon Bonaparte dominated European history from 1799 to 1815. Napoleon’s combination of intelligence and charm allowed him to win the support of his troops and his people.

8 B. In 1801 Napoleon made an. agreement with the Pope called the
B. In 1801 Napoleon made an agreement with the Pope called the Concordat. It recognized Catholicism as the religion of most people of France, but still allowed religious freedom.

9 C. Napoleon created a new system of. justice called the
C. Napoleon created a new system of justice called the Napoleonic Code. It established the Bank of France to act as a central financial institution. He also put into effect a system of public education including hs, colleges, and technical schools.

10 D. Napoleon’s Civil Code also took rights away from women.
Women had a hard time divorcing their husbands. A woman’s property became her husband’s when they got married. A women’s testimony was less reliable than a man’s in lawsuits.

11 E. Anne Louise Germaine de Stael was a. prominent writer who denounced
E. Anne Louise Germaine de Stael was a prominent writer who denounced Napoleon as a tyrant for his laws against women. Napoleon banned her books and exiled her.

12 F. In 1804, Napoleon crowned himself Emperor Napoleon I.

13 Napoleon’s Empire A. Napoleon’s conquests began soon after he reached power. Napoleon was able to defeat such great armies such as Austria and Prussia.

14 B. Napoleon tried to create a Grand Empire consisting of three parts.
1st part – French Empire 2nd part – Dependent states: Napoleon’s relatives ruled (controlled by Napoleon) 3rd part –Continental System: Allies of France


16 The Napoléonic Era SECTION 4 Puppet Rulers
Louis Napoléon Bonaparte , King of Holland NEPHEW Jérôme –Napoléon Bonaparte, King of Westphalia BROTHER Joseph-Napoléon Bonaparte, King of Naples and Sicily, King of Spain BROTHER Elisa Bonaparte, Grand Duchess of Tuscany SISTER

17 The European Response A. Napoleon tried to defeat Great Britain, but was unable. Britain survived because of its navy, which made Britain untouchable. Britain was able to defeat a combined French-Spanish fleet.

18 B. France’s oppression in the dependent
B. France’s oppression in the dependent countries allowed for nationalism to grow in those countries. Nationalism is the cultural identity of people based on common language, religion, and national symbols.

19 Nationalism The Napoléonic Era SECTION 4 Love of one’s country …
People began to think of their country and ideals as things worth fighting for …

20 B. Napoleon tried to use the Continental System to defeat Britain.
The Continental System was suppose to block all goods coming out of Britain. Russia resented being told that they could not buy British goods. Czar Alexander I began trading with Britain.

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