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Mrs. Henley 3rd Grade March 5th – 9th Important Information!

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1 Mrs. Henley 3rd Grade March 5th – 9th Important Information!
Parent Teacher Conference invitations have been sent home. Please respond as soon as possible if you received an invitation. Please make sure you are checking messages on Class Dojo. If you owe money toward technology fees or any other outstanding school balances, an effort to pay these fees must be made in order to attend any extra curricular activities. If you have any questions, please contact the office Upcoming Dates Mar 5th PTO 5:30 Mar 8th Early 11:40 ½ Day Teacher Workday Mar 9th Regular School Day Mar 21st Spring Pictures Mar 26th Book Fair Mar 28th Science Club Mar 29th Early Dismissal Parent Teacher Conferences What’s going on this week? Reading: Figurative Language (Poetry) Math: Representing and Identifying Fractions on a Number Line Connect Schedule Monday- Computer Lab Tuesday- P.E. Wednesday- Guidance Thursday- Library Friday- Music/Art/Spanish

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