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Audience & Authenticity

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1 Audience & Authenticity
Power Up PD Module 5


3 The Power of Audience With a partner, brainstorm a list of behaviors you knowingly change when there is a wider audience or a less familiar audience… Example: what is your proofreading practice like when you send an to a friend vs. to the entire school?

4 Translate it to the Classroom
How have you seen the “power of audience” at play in your own classroom with your students?

5 Connecting with Professionals: Bringing the Outside In
- Ask an expert - Interview an author - Connect with a project mentor

6 Tools for Bringing the Outside In
Skype Google Hangout FaceTime

7 Some Practical Considerations
Schedule a test call to make sure the equipment is all working before you call as a class. Plug your computer in with a real ethernet cable. Consider investing in a webcam that will give your audience a better view of your students than the camera built into your computer. Discuss the protocol for the call with your students ahead of time. Will they be asking questions or just listening? Consider a backchannel.

8 Plug In Pick a buddy, and get ready to play a new and improved version of telephone. Select one of the three Connection tools (Google Hangout, Skype, or FaceTime) and create an account (or login with Google Apps for Edu). Then, send one person down the hall, and make your call. Plug in challenges are small tasks teachers can usually accomplish quickly, in the workshop, to get more familiar with the tools. These are suggestions, but you can change and adapt them to work for your staff.

9 Going Public with Student Work: Sharing the Inside...Out.
- ePublish a collection of stories - Blog for a broader audience - Create digital portfolios or web- sites to showcase student work - Submit work to professional sites (like NPR or Goodreads)

10 Classroom Example Insert your own examples from your school site here. If you need to borrow one, here ya go: This year, instead of giving a traditional final exam in the second semester, Diana opted to have her students create their own websites (digital portfolios). Check out to see the assignment.

11 Four Easy Tools for Going Public
Blogger: A google weblog (blog) platform that connects easily with GAFE when enabled. Sites: A google website creator that is a core appin GAFE. Weebly: A sleek, free, drag-and-drop webpage creation tool. Wix: An alternative to Weebly. Also tres chic.

12 Power Up Team up with another class, grade level, or school as blog buddies. Collect students’ “personal best” work of the semester or year, and ePublish it for the school community or web community. Have students create their own digital portfolios or sites to showcase their work. Suggested challenges that you can adapt to the specifics of your situation.

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