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Junior College Planning Michelle Luraschi, M

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1 Junior College Planning Michelle Luraschi, M
Junior College Planning Michelle Luraschi, M.Ed, LPC (IL), NCC, MCC College & Career Preparation Coordinator You CAN go to College!

2 Sign-up for College & Career Remind texts

3 PHS College & Career Resources
Sign-up for Remind me texts for college visits, events, scholarships, etc.: Juniors: to 81010 Use the website: Select “Student Services” then “College Counseling” Individual meetings: spring Jr yr and fall Sr yr Mrs. Luraschi’s Attend all college-related events at PHS

4 Why Go to College? Achieve more success & better life opportunities through the education and networking. Earn more money through better jobs. Lower your chance of unemployment. Help you help your family. Enjoy better health over your life. Experience the opportunities & fun of college!

5 2014


7 Our Roles in the College Process
STUDENT- take the lead/be active in the process, use the College Counseling resources, attend college events at PHS; take time to plan the future; give 100% effort; take challenging classes; review for ACT; stay organized PARENT- stay involved in the process; give support academically/emotionally but don’t do it for them; help to visit colleges; help be organized; be patient and steady through the process COUNSELOR- provide guidance/encouragement/help but don’t do it for them; offer college suggestions; provide college resources (college fair, college visits, how-to’s, scholarship listings, workshops & evening programs)

8 Strong Applicants include…
Rigorous high school courses AP/CC/Honors, College prep curriculum Cumulative GPA (weighted/unweighted) ACT or SAT scores (may need writing) Use test prep resources ACT classes at PHS; Khan Academy for PSAT/SAT Possibly class rank Extracurricular activities & leadership Deep in a few, not broad in many

9 Core Classes College Bound PHS Graduation Math-3 years English-4
Science-4 Social Studies-4 Modern Language- 2-3 PHS Graduation Math-3 years English-4 Science-3 Social Studies-3 Modern Language-0

10 College Planning Timeline
Junior Year College search & visit!!!! (Col Cnslg website for more tools) Visit several different types of colleges Organize your college & scholarship search Take the PSAT test in Oct. Take 2 tests (ACT or SAT) Create a College Resume Identify teacher(s) & guidance counselor to write Letter(s) of Recommendation Sign-up/work on A+ requirements

11 Senior Year Timeline Summer after Junior Year Fall Spring
Continue college search and visits, prioritize 4-8 Attend college/major exploration camp (website for list) Update College Resume Write essay draft(s)-Common Application, QuestBridge Begin applications Fall APPLY: Aug/Sept/Oct Continue taking ACT/SAT Apply for scholarships (fall/winter/spring) NEW: Oct--Apply for FAFSA (fin. Aid) Evaluate college options & FA packages Spring Continue scholarship search Deposit (academic & housing) at 1st choice school, timelines vary

12 Create a College Resume

13 College “Fit”: What’s right for me?
Consider: Size-sm (1-3000) med (5-10,000) large (15-40,000) Class Size students in a freshman class Location-distance from home, urban/suburban/rural Selectivity & Academic challenge Major/Interests-options, mentors, internships, equipment? Campus Culture-large & spirited, liberal arts, small & personal, political, artsy, Greek, athletic, diverse Cost-make sure one is an in-state public price Interests-Athletics, band, study abroad, etc. (more on College Cnsl website) Apply to 4-8: reach, match, and safety colleges

14 Cost Of Applying to College
College visits=free to $1000s depending upon number, location and travel expenses Visit local colleges for examples of types of colleges Combine visits w/family travel (Spring Br, Summer) 4-8 college applications Sr yr=average $40 each Fee waiver if free/reduced lunch See Mrs. Luraschi for up to 4 waivers ACT/SAT test fees=$40-$50 each Fee waiver? See Mrs. Luraschi for up to 2/yr

15 College Visits To get a “feel” for the campus. “Home” for 4 years. Does it “fit” you academically, socially, & financially? See Mrs. Patrick, Counseling Secretary, for a college visit form, return to attendance PRIOR to visit Call the college 3 weeks in advance & customize your visit: Tour and talk with current students Meet with admissions Speak with a professor in your field of interest Attend a class in your field of interest Speak with a: coach, study abroad, marching band director Eat in the dining hall Stay the night in the residence hall with a student


17 Other Application Systems
Common Application: college application system enabling students to apply to any of the 600+ member institutions from a single application But, many members require supplemental questions, essays, letters of rec. Apply in Sept/Oct. QuestBridge: Offers National College Match, a competitive, free application system linking high-achieving, low-income, first generation students with educational and full-ride scholarship opportunities at top institutions Apply in September

18 Admission Requirements
Open Enrollment: no min. GPA or ACT required Harris Stowe State University; Community College Moderate: 2.5 GPA; ACT MO State; SEMO; SIUE Difficult: GPA; ACT Truman; Missouri S&T Very Difficult: GPA, ACT Georgetown U. Most Difficult: GPA, ACT Ivy league 5.8% to 18% acceptance Military Academies (start process in Jr year) Also: Test optional colleges, focus on GPA, classes, activities

19 Admission Acceptance Rates
Columbia University: 6.96% acceptance rate Harvard: 5.9% MIT: 7.7% Northwestern: 12.9% Pomona: 12% Stanford: 5% Washington U: 17% Yale: 6% Remember: Include reach, match, & safety colleges Don’t put all your “apps in one college basket!”

20 COA=Cost of Attendance
Tuition=32 credits/yr (16/semester) Room=select less expensive residence hall Board=select smallest meal plan you need Hidden Costs: Mandatory Fees=medical/technology/activities Books=up to $1,000/school yr (rental?) Course Fees=engineering, business, nursing Transportation Personal Expenses All of these add up to the TRUE COA

21 (Sometimes private becomes similar to/less than public.)
COA examples Washington University: $64,000/year SLU: $47,000 Maryville U/Webster U: $36,000 MIZZOU: $25,000 Truman/MO State: $16,500 SEMO: $15,500 MO Western/MO Southern: $14,500 But, need to apply Financial Aid & Scholarships to find NET PRICE you will pay. (Sometimes private becomes similar to/less than public.)

22 Estimating Financial Need
COA (cost of attendance: tuition, room & board, books, fees) - EFC (estimated family contribution from FAFSA) = Financial Need (grants, loans-parent/student, work study) - Scholarships and Grants you receive = Net (Actual) Price You Pay Practice FAFSA you can do NOW to find out your EFC Net Price Calculators on college websites

23 More Affordable Options
Work Colleges: work part-time in position related to major for tuition $$ College of the Ozarks-MO Blackburn College-IL Out-of-State with In-State Tuition IL: SIUC, SIUE, Western Illinois University, Eastern Illinois University, Univ. of IL-Springfield KS: Emporia State, University of Kansas KY: Murray State-KY If you have high GPA/ACT/class rank: U of Kentucky and U of Arkansas Midwest School Exchange: public institutions agree to charge students no more than 150% of the in-state resident tuition rate for specific programs; private institutions offer a 10% reduction on their tuition rates. KS, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, WI

24 Community College 2yr & transfer option A+ Program=Multiple Benefits
In-district approx. $100/credit hr=$3,200/yr Books/fees=$500-$1,500/yr Associate Degree-2 year total=$8,000-$10,000 A+ Program=Multiple Benefits Free tuition at any MO comm. college to earn cert/degree Or use for summer classes before university And some MO 4-yr colleges offer smaller A+ small scholarships

25 Scholarship Opportunities See College Counseling website “Scholarship” section
Scholarships may be found through all 6 of these sources Most applications Early Fall-Spring Senior Yr. Automatic &/or merit-based scholarships awarded through the college application process  Departmental and/or institutional scholarships applied for through the college application process, often a separate application   Local opportunities forwarded to PHS (website)   National scholarship search engines that identify possible opportunities (website)   Family/work/community connections    Internet key word searches: professional associations in ______field scholarships for students with _______

26 PHS College & Career Resources
Select“Student Services” then College Counseling Mrs. Luraschi’s Individual meetings spring Jr yr through Sr yr Remind me texts: to or Attend all college-related events at PHS Thank you for coming!

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