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Delta Risk Management Strategy

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1 Delta Risk Management Strategy
1/3/2019 Delta Risk Management Strategy The Delta Risk Management Strategy is a combined effort among the Department of Water Resources, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Department of Fish and Game in cooperation with the California Bay-Delta Authority Later on I will explain a State law that requires both DWR & DFG to submit a report on DRMS. The COE will use the DRMS work for their Feasibility Study of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Levees – the DRMS work will be the “Without Project” portion of the FS. SCWC/SCWD MEETING JUNE 27, 2007 Delta-Suisun Marsh Branch Department of Water Resources

2 Water Supply for 23 Million People
1/3/2019 DRMS also includes the Suisun Marsh area, which is defined as the area east of the Benicia-Martinez Bridge on I-680 S-SJ Delta legally defined in CWC Section 12220 400,000 People 47% of State Runoff 500 Species Water Supply for 23 Million People Agricultural Water Supply for 3 Million Acres

3 DRMS Development of DRMS
1/3/2019 DRMS Development of DRMS 2000 CALFED ROD Called for Risk Assessment of Delta Levees 2005 – Levee Risk Analysis Team Did Preliminary Work – Seismic only Also Developed Project Scope for DRMS 2005 – AB 1200 Enacted 2006- Governor’s Executive Order- Delta Vision 2005 Seismic report resulted in “How a Delta Earthquake Could Devastate California’s Economy” given by Director Snow to Senate Subcommittee on Delta Resources & Senate T&H Committee, Nov 2005 EXECUTIVE ORDER S /28/2006

4 DRMS AB 1200 (CWC 139.2) Sets General Framework for DRSM
1/3/2019 DRMS AB (CWC 139.2) Sets General Framework for DRSM DWR Shall Evaluate Potential Impacts on 50, 100, 200-year projections on possible impacts to Delta from: Subsidence Earthquakes Floods Climate Change & Combination of above

5 DRMS AB 1200 Continued (CWC 139.4)
1/3/2019 DRMS AB 1200 Continued (CWC 139.4) DWR/DFG to Determine Principal Options for Delta – DWR to comparatively rate for ability to: Prevent Disruption of Water Supplies Derived from Delta Improve the Quality of Water Supplies Derived from Delta Reduce Salts, Maintain Water Quality Preserve, Protect, Improve Delta Levees Protect Water Rights/Environments of River Systems Protect Infrastructure within Delta DFG shall rate all options for its ability to restore salmon & other fisheries that use the Delta Report Due – January 2008

6 DRMS Contract Information URS Corporation, Oakland, CA
1/3/2019 DRMS Contract Information URS Corporation, Oakland, CA Over 20 subcontractors Approved by DGS - March 6, 2006 3-year contract Includes a new LiDAR aerial survey of Delta Guidance to URS – No new studies, use best available info, however, some limited exclusions: Subsidence; Seismic hazard DRMS report has several new models of Delta operations (i.e., Risk, Hydrodynamics, ER&R, Water Analysis)

7 DRMS Technical Memoranda
1/3/2019 DRMS DRMS Technical Memoranda Risk Analysis Seismology (PSHA) Ecological Impacts (Ecosystem) Subsidence Levee Vulnerability Flood Hazard Wind Wave Analysis Climate Change Water Analysis Module (Hydrodynamics) Geomorphology Impact to Infrastructure Economic Consequences Emergency Response & Repair The Phase 1 report will consist of the following documents: - Executive Summary report (10-18 pages) Summary Report (50 pages) Risk Analysis report (400 + pages) All TMs (2,000 + pages)

8 DRMS Phase 1 Based on Business-As-Usual Assumptions
1/3/2019 DRMS Phase 1 Based on Business-As-Usual Assumptions Development of a Risk Analysis to Evaluate the Impact to Delta Levees from: Floods Earthquakes Subsidence Normal Conditions Climate Change Determine Consequences to Economy & Eco-System based on Risks Found Draft Risk Analysis Report submitted April 23 ’07 Public Draft July 2007 Independent Review by CALFED – July – August ‘07

9 Summary of Key Findings from Phase 1 (preliminary)
1/3/2019 Summary of Key Findings from Phase 1 (preliminary) flood-related island failures expected in the next 100 years 12-15 simultaneous island failures in a major flood event 15- 30% chance of 30+ islands failing simultaneously in a major earthquake in the next 25 years

10 Summary of Key Findings (continued)
Probability of flood-related levee failure increases by 10% in 2050 Increases by 20% in 2100 Probability of seismic-related levee failure increases by 12% in 2050 increases by 27% in 2100 3 feet of sea level rise would push the salt line about 3 miles to the east

11 1/3/2019 DRMS Phase 2 Development of Risk Reduction/Risk Management Strategies for Long-Term Management of Delta Draft Final Report Due August ’07 Public Review Draft – Oct ’07 Independent Review by CALFED – Oct – Nov ’07 DRMS Final Report – November 2007 Includes Recommendations for Future Work/Studies in the Delta Will be provided to Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force for Consideration in the “Vision for the Delta” As part of the Phase 2 report will be a list of recommended actions that should be taken in the Delta to help improve our knowledge. Examples are having USGS and CGS investigate faults in the Delta more extensively than in the past. Need for better topographic survey information, more subsidence work,

12 Delta Risk Management Strategy
1/3/2019 Delta Risk Management Strategy Phase 2: Development and Evaluation of Risk Reduction Strategies Develop a menu of risk reduction measures that could reduce risk – “building blocks” Package the measures into different combinations -> “trial scenarios” Use Risk Model to evaluate potential risk reductions Evaluate benefits and costs of risk reduction measures

13 Delta Risk Management Strategy
1/3/2019 Potential Risk Reduction Building Blocks: Improved Levee Maintenance Upgraded Delta & Urban Levees Enhanced Emergency Preparedness/Response Pre-Flooding of Selected Western Islands Land Use Changes to Reduce Subsidence Armored Through Delta “Pathway” Conveyance Isolated Conveyance Elevation of State Highways on Piers Armored Infrastructure Corridor San Joaquin By-Pass Suisun Marsh Restoration Cache Slough Restoration Fish Screens Reduced Water Exports

14 DRMS Phase 2 Trial Scenarios Being Proposed
1/3/2019 DRMS Phase 2 Trial Scenarios Being Proposed Improved Levees Armored Pathway Isolated Conveyance More information is available on the building blocks and scenarios at both the Delta Vision and DRMS web sites.

15 Thank You For more information on the DMRS work, please
1/3/2019 Thank You For more information on the DMRS work, please see the DRMS web site at:

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