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8.P.3A.4 Notes 10-26-17.

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1 8.P.3A.4 Notes

2 Remember Mechanical Waves: Waves that REQUIRE particles in matter to vibrate in order to transmit.

3 Remember Compressional Waves: Waves that move parallel to the direction the wave is traveling.

4 Remember Transverse Wave: Particles in matter move perpendicular to the direction the wave is traveling.

5 Interference Wave interference can be CONSTRUCTIVE
When two crests or two rarefactions interfere it produces a larger crest or rarefaction. Produces louder sounds. Wave interference can be DESTRUCTIVE When a crest interferes with a trough or a rarefaction interferes with a compression it lessens the displacement of each. Produces quieter sounds.

6 Pitch The pitch of a sound is related to frequency.
The higher the frequency the higher the pitch. The lower the frequency the lower the pitch.

7 Volume The volume of the sound is directly related to the amplitude of the wave. The louder the sound the higher the amplitude. The softer the sound the lower the amplitude.

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